Tuesday, October 15, 2013

King of Shambhala
Freewill, you mean the flies come to Obama because of him having anal sex? Say Obama gets fellatio preformed on him, (seeing that’s what they say that he likes, at the bathhouse Man’s Country) he’d smell of crap seeing the homosexual perfroming the fellation would have the smell of crap in his mouth so that smell would be on Obama’s dick. That smell would be what the flies go for. (…that smell would be what the flies go for, not Obama’s dick.)
Obama surely has more than fellatio.
They say he’s killed about four lovers and that is not about fellatio I presume.
In Obama’s homosexual poem “Pop” he has anal sex with his father.
Remember “Pop”? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8s8JiOmB7o

POP! PBS explores Obama Poem Which Suggests he had Sexual relations with his Grandfather!

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