Friday, June 28, 2013

Obama’s Passport And College Transcripts

November 12, 2012 – I’m reading an article on Huffington Post today where once again people are outraged at Donald Trump’s efforts to get proof of Obama’s eligibility for Presidency. (

As an American, based upon Obama’s dad’s tie to Kenya, I don’t think this is a bad question to ask. More troubling to me is how Obama continues to skate the issue!
Listen, and use some common sense here, Donald Trump offered to pay a charity of Obama’s choice $5 million dollars – that’s not chump change — if Obama would simply reveal his passport and college transcripts. Remember, we’re using common sense here … if Obama has nothing to hide, then why wouldn’t he want to donate $5 million dollars to a charity?
Instead, they are playing a political game of trying to put the pressure on Trump for being a concerned American and asking these tough questions. Shouldn’t the pressure be on Obama to produce these items in question? And, again, if Obama has nothing to hide, then why isn’t he revealing these items so a charity could get $5 million dollars?
Doesn’t that make you think? It sure does me!
Considering our President won’t reveal these items it sounds to me like Trump is on to something here. Why else wouldn’t Obama help a charity of his choice get a $5 million donation?
If you asked your child to produce his report card and he didn’t and wouldn’t, wouldn’t you question why and wonder what he’s hiding?
I remember the one year I had a bad report card. I did everything I could to hide it from my parents, including lying that I hadn’t gotten it yet hoping they’d forget. All the great report cards I got I gladly and excitedly shared them with my parents. My children did the same thing when they got bad report cards.
So, my question to our President is, “WHY won’t you produce these items when an America citizen — more than one — have requested these items? What are you hiding?
I find it very disturbing that two items that should ’no-big-deal’, his passport and college transcripts, he is refusing to disclose. I can’t help but wonder why. He even fought disclosing his long form birth certificate. Why?
There’s still those who don’t believe his long form birth certificate that Obama fought to release is real …
If that’s not enough, according to this article by the Washington Times Communities ( Hawaii will NOT verify the authenticity of the long form birth certificate.
Here’s what Wikipedia has to say on the topic …
Could Obama and the right connections in government pull the biggest scam on American’s we’ve ever seen?
I don’t know. Maybe. Maybe not.
All I can fall back on is my common sense and since Obama refuses to show his passport and college transcripts, especially after Trump offered $5 million dollars to a charity of Obama’s choice by making them available, that raises a lot of red flags with me and causes me to lean toward not believing Obama.
Who in their right mind who has nothing to hide would fail to reveal their passport and college transcripts which would then give a charity of their choice $5 million dollars?
This just doesn’t sit well with me, and it shouldn’t sit well with you either.

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