Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Warning from Navy SEAL – Guns Being Taken, Road Checks..It’s Happening NOW! Wednesday, May 22, 2013 13:25 0 -URGENT TEXT MESSAGES FROM NAVY SEAL SOURCE- /alternative/2013/05/warning-from-navy-seal-guns-being-taken-road-checks-its-happening-now-2657700.html The following text messages have just been received from my former Navy SEAL source, who I interviewed regarding imminent martial law and OPERATION RING OF FIRE recently. I have simply edited it for proper format to post it. The warnings are clear. Looks like the REAL THING is about to come down upon this nation. -Pamela Rae Schuffert- ************************************* “Threats have been made against my family. Threats have been made to me. And one attempt made… Moore, OK, was not a natural storm..HAARP was used. This WAS and is only the START. HAARP BASES are on full power…ORION went online[active] full power Monday. HAARP and ORION are now online and time frame for full use and power up is slated for this weekend. Night rail use is really up…lots of military stock being moved to major cities. DENVER [detention] camp is online [activated] and working. Other such bases [detention camps] are already getting people for processing. Train loads of people. Military is setting up check points using the Exec Order… It is not GOING to start, it is HAPPENING NOW. Check points are being set up for “DUI and insurance checks”, this is the OFFICIAL REASON…BUT PEOPLE ARE BEING TAKEN. So-called safety checks and free coffee are to become common for the week, and are not to be trusted from what I have been seeing..the supplies for these places are government. ONE MORE THING…THEY ARE TAKING FIREARMS OUT OF PEOPLES’ HANDS. ONLY WHAT ARE IN THE OPEN. Not seen search of cars yet, but it looks like things are GOING DOWN NOW. I have started to use back roads only…have seen many spy type aircraft. Highway 2, 1-90, 1-25, 15, US 287, US 93 (Montana, Colorado)already have or will have check points by weekend. ************************************** FINAL TEXT RECEIVED SO FAR- (05/22/2013, 1:25 pm MST) …all teams have been told to fall back…stop any activities at once and may God have mercy on us …all the leaders are being rounded up…. [He is referring to their teams detecting/defusing the nukes planted for martial law and performing other anti-NWO military underground activities. I presume this is in NW Montana/Canada region...PRS] -END FOR NOW- ************************************** Readers, none of this is a joke or a game. This information is being publicly posted at great personal risk. I have just received this text information and have posted it as I have received it, edited properly to fit my format. Only certain info has been deleted for security purposes. God has called me to be a “watchman on the wall” in this hour of America’s destiny. I will give my life to warn my fellow American Patriots and Christians of approaching dangers. I have no way as of yet to confirm this information I have just received from my SEAL source, and am hoping to receive more information soon. This is very serious information and if confirmed, can only mean that martial law is almost HERE. PRAY. Pamela Rae Schuffert

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