Friday, May 24, 2013

Police Response to Concerned Citizens… “You’re on your own.”

self reliance

James O’Keefe is that gutsy young man who, together with Hannah Giles, went undercover as a pimp and ‘ho, and captured ACORN staffers on tape advising them to circumvent the law.
Since then, O’Keefe and his investigative team are continuing to uncover political corruption through his Project Veritas organization — “to investigate and expose corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions in order to achieve a more ethical and transparent society.”
For Project Veritas’ latest sting operation, they visited police stations across America and asked law enforcement officials if, in the event of an armed break-in, what we should do in the minutes (or more than an hour in the case of Dallas) between calling 911 and the police’s arrival.
One officer instructed, “Go get some bleach. Go get ammonia.” Another officer instructed the undercover journalist to, “lock yourself in a bedroom” and “start yelling and screaming.”
VPOS Joe Biden recently advised Americans to “get a shotgun” for home protection. But when asked whether or not they should follow Biden’s advice, law enforcement officials told the undercover journalists they would be arrested for doing so.

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