Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Benghazi Whistle Blowers: White House is Threatening Us

angry obamaOn September 11, 2012, the American Embassy in Benghazi, Libya came under attack by terrorists. During this attack, four Americans, including the Ambassador were killed. At first, the attack was reported as an uprising caused by an anti-Muslim video posted on YouTube in July of 2012, even though we now know this was a lie.
Within a week, the truth began leaking out to the public that not only was the Obama Administration aware of the potential for attack on the embassy prior to September 11, 2012, they also were actively trying to cover up the event.
Within hours of the attack, the Administration began releasing misinformation about the event, carefully wording every statement not to include the word terrorist or Muslim extremist. Official reports were issued condemning the event, and and prior knowledge about a potential threat was denied. Eventually, they literally tried to censor American citizens, claiming they were responsible for “inciting” the attacks.
However, it did not take long for many people in Congress to realize that this was a very large cover-up.
Congressional hearings began and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was called to testify about her knowledge of the events. Under oath, Mrs. Clinton swore that her office knew nothing about requests or additional security and that there were no signs of danger at or around the Embassy.
Later, as the Congressional hearings continued, it was discovered that Mrs. Clinton was well aware of the problems in Benghazi as early as April of that year and declined sending any additional security. Emails and interoffice memos with her signature attest to this fact.
Now, as continued efforts to find out the truth about this event unfold, government workers are finding themselves threated by the Obama Administration if they disclose any thing they know during their testimony before the Congressional committee.
Under the Whistleblower Act, people reporting a fraudulent act that has taken place in a government facility have protection from repercussions. This law applies to both private citizens and government employees. Started during the Civil War, this law was put into effect to protect the citizens from corrupt government practices.
These employees, however, are being told that if they state anything contrary to what the administration wants them to say, they are committing career suicide. This is a direct threat and prohibited by the protections of the Whistleblower Act.
At this time, these key witnesses to the Benghazi attack have secured legal representation to testify before Congress. It is in the best hopes that they will be able to do the right thing and tell the truth about what happened prior to and on the day of the Embassy attack.
Obama is taking the “lawyers” course, claiming he “isn’t familiar” with the threats. We have a message, Mr. President: the truth will find you out.

Speak Out While It's Still Legal:

Read This Next:
  1. Proof: Hillary Clinton Deliberately Lied About Benghazi
  2. Hillary Busted For Benghazi Lies… Says It Doesn’t Matter
  3. Petraeus Bombshell: The Administration Censored The Benghazi Truth
  4. Video: Rand Paul Tells Hillary Clinton He Would Fire Her
  5. White House Threatens Bob Woodward: “You’ll Regret This”
  6. White House: Killing American Citizens is “Legal” and “Ethical”
  7. LEAKED: Obama Wants Power to Kill American Citizens
  8. White House Threatens “Executive Orders” On Gun Control

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