Friday, April 12, 2013

ACCOMPLICE TO MURDER – Dead Children And The Media Is Silent. *GRAPHIC IMAGES*

The Alternative Media is now taking up the fight to push a horrific story deserving of far more attention than the Mainstream Media deems it should.  An abortion doctor by the name of Kermit Gosnel stands accused of murdering children by cutting their necks as their bodies still moved and in at least one case, a child lay screeching in pain.  It should also be noted that the procedures being performed by this doctor are the same procedures long defended by one Barack Hussein Obama.  Would that explain, at least in part, the media’s refusal to cover this story?   WARNING:  GRAPHIC IMAGES
Dr. Kermit Gosnell also faces federal charges that he distributed painkillers to drug dealers out of his Philadelphia office. 
(Abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell… “she saw her former boss snip the necks of more than 30 babies.”

Jill Stanek over at Newsbusters did an excellent review of the self-imposed Mainstream media blackout that now covers this murder trial:
Living in Chicago, I’ve observed press coverage up close on three of the most notorious mass murderers ever apprehended: Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy, and Richard Speck.
Speck tortured, raped, and murdered eight student nurses in Chicago in 1966. Dahmer murdered 17 boys and men in the Milwaukee/Chicago area between 1978-1991, keeping and eating some of their body parts. Gacy raped and murdered at least 33 boys and men between 1972-1978, burying many in the crawl space of his Chicago suburban home.
In each case the press tripped over themselves to recount every morbid detail, anxious to feed the public’s fascination with the macabre
In Gosnell’s clinic police found severed baby feet of various sizes kept in see-through containers and bodies of babies in a freezer and in the basement. The upper spinal cords of some of the babies had been severed.

Although Gosnell was charged with eight counts of murder, witnesses have testified he murdered over 100 babies over three decades. If true, this would rank Gosnell as one of the top five known serial killers worldwide of the 20th and 21st Centuries by victim count.
Since the Gosnell trial began three weeks ago, ABC, CBS, and NBC have given the story ZERO seconds of coverage on either their morning or evening news shows. They have not covered Gosnell once since his arrest in January 2011, and even then, only CBS did so.
…Indeed, Obama shed a tear for the child victims of the Sandy Hook shooting but has said nothing of Gosnell’s baby victims. But we all know Obama would have supported killing the children of Sandy Hook up until, during – and after – the moment of their birth.
…Truth be told, I don’t think these people consider abortion survivors as real people – or Gosnell a mass murderer.   LINK
The Mainstream Media has placed itself as the gatekeeper of reality – it decides what actually exists in the minds of millions of low information voters.
Just as millions of Americans have no clue as to the terms Benghazi Massacre, or Fast and Furious, or any number of other (very real) Obama-related scandals, the media is now refusing to provide reality to the Gosnell murder trial, and within a matter of months, all of those children killed, just like the deaths of hundreds of innocents related to Fast and Furious, and the deaths of a United States Ambassador and three others, will simply NEVER HAVE HAPPENED.
That is – unless YOU refuse to accept this scenario and work to educate and inform everyone around you to the realities of what is really going on in America.
“Brilliantly Written As A Prophetic Warning For All Americans”   -Cheryl Savage

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