UPDATE/RECAP: Obama Stepfather Lolo Soetoro's U.S. Records Released, Some Records Withheld in Full, Got More Disinformation!?
[Last updated on 2/19/2011]Some Stanley Ann Dunham passport file documents are finally released after over a year and a half of Mr. Strunk requesting and then suing to get the information released in the Strunk vs Dept of State FOIA case. This information should have been been released long ago per his initial FOIA request. But as with everything with Mr. Obama and his early life, the cover up is maintained as long as possible and then when the files are released things that should be there are missing. It required a federal lawsuit to even get them to release even these documents.
The passport services official says in the cover letter that the some earlier passport application records noted in subsequent filings could not be found. Any possible 1960/1961 passport application paper work information that has been postulated by researchers studying Obama's early life narrative is missing from this released information. The link to any earlier passport application filed in the early 60s would have been shown in the passport application filed in 1965. But conveniently, the 1965 passport application paper work for a known passport issued on July 19, 1965 is missing. How convenient that key pieces of information about Obama and his family's early life always turns up missing! This reminds me of the missing page in the Stanley Ann (Dunham) Obama 1964 divorce file.

The copies of documents in what was released per the FOIA request are numbered but not in chronological order. This makes reading the file and the flow of events over time more difficult unless one prints out the file and rearranges the docs in chronological order, which I did.
There is a document numbered P3 which is an application for amendment of her existing passport. This amendment request was apparently done in 1967 (per a handwritten clerk's name and date note on it since the date is not filled in below Stanley Ann's signature on the form). This handwritten annotated note and date was apparently done by a clerk seeing a marriage license in order to process the request to amend a passport issued on July 19, 1965. But the copy of that 1965 passport application is not provided in this FOIA request. The passport officials say it could not be found. Why? That 1965 passport was issued several months after she married Lolo Soetoro. She filed the amendment apparently in 1967 allegedly to have it reflect her married name due to her name change after marrying Lolo Soetoro at Molokai Hawaii on March 15, 1965 per page marked P3 of the released documents. Thus the conveniently missing application records for this 1965 passport implies to me that that there was something indicated in it that the powers to be did not want the public to see, i.e., that she had a passport prior to 1965 and the 1965 records indicated it was a Renewal application. So someone made the 1965 application records disappear. The carefully worded cover letter with the FOIA release implies to me that earlier years records have been purged by someone at sometime for some reason since they could not find a record that should be there based on records they did find. Was the 1965 passport issued done per a renewal request for a prior issued passport? As to the implication in the cover letter that early year data may have been cleaned out due to some records retention cut off date. I don't buy that. Since passport records are filed in files by name and not in boxes or files by year, this does not make sense. I was under the impression that passport records kept and filed by name were kept virtually forever. That wording sounded to me like bureaucratic obfuscation. It sounds to me like HI officials (or whoever controls them) are now instructing the U.S. Passport Office how to obfuscate and parse sentences in cover letters to allow them to not provide what one asks for and yet not be lying. In my opinion, there was probably a passport issued to Stanley Ann (whatever name she used to get it) prior to 1965. The 1965 passport application record pointed to that. So someone made the 1965 application records disappear.

Updated 8/1/10: Also in this passport applications file is revealed the exact date of Stanley Ann's marriage (two different exact dates and locations?) to Lolo Soetoro. But as is typical for everything with this family, nothing is consistent. In the 1967 amendment filing marked P3 she says she married Lolo Soetoro on March 15, 1965 in Molokai Hawaii. But in a later passport renewal application marked P5 filed in 1981 she states she married him on March 5, 1964 in Maui, Hawaii. Which is true? Either way, said marriage dates could have allowed for Obama to have been legally adopted by Lolo Soetoro in Hawaii at age 5 or under, given either of these marriage dates. And in addition, his falsified birth records in Hawaii, fraudulently created by grandma Dunham in 1961, could have been amended to show the new legal name of Barry Soetoro. Obama was mentioned as a son over age 18 in the Soetoro 1980 Divorce File as a dependent of Lolo Soetoro and still receiving financial aid from Lolo Soetoro to attend college. And then later in life as an adult Obama could have amended his vital record in Hawaii again and changed his name back to Barack Hussein Obama II when at that time in his life that name suited him. Obama is a life narrative chameleon. He changes names and citizenship at will during his life to suit his current needs and plans.

When the original and complete birth records file for Obama in Hawaii going back to and including Aug 1961, and all subsequent amendments are released, it will likely be very damning to Obama's self created nativity narrative and other stories of his early life. Children legally adopted at age 5 and under have their new citizenship governed by the international Hague Convention Treaty on adopting children. The United States is a signatory to that treaty. That is another likely reason why Obama alludes to his being age 6 when those Indonesian records are discussed in regards to when his step-father "adopted" him and saying that the adoption occurred in Indonesia. I think that story is more false direction and misinformation type data put out by Obama and his handlers to throw one off the true trail.
See the records(emedded below) that have been released per the Strunk FOIA request and court order at: http://www.scribd.com/doc/35163631/Stanley-Ann-Dunham-Obama-Soetoro-Passport-Application-File-Strunk-v-Dept-of-State-FOIA-Release-FINAL-7-29-10
[Birther Report: The Dunham records also show 2 different dates and places of marriage for Ann and Lolo, page 11 states Maui, Hawaii, and page 7 states Molokai, Hawaii. It also appears Obama has another name attached to BHO. On page 4 the name "Soebarkah" is listed below Obama's crossed out name. Update: Lolo Soetoro's records were also obtained, which are embedded below the Dunham records.]
Stanley Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro Passport Application File Strunk v Dept of State FOIA Release FINAL 7-29-10
Also released via another FOIA request were the U.S. records of her second husband Lolo Seotoro. This file contains a very poor quality image of the marriage license of Stanley Ann (Dunham) Obama to Lolo Soetoro, her 2nd husband, and Obama's step-father in Indonesia. http://www.scribd.com/doc/35192432/Lolo-Soetoro-U-S-Records-Allen-v-DHS-State-and-Allen-v-USCIS-FOIA-Releases-Final-7-29-10
Lolo Soetoro U.S. Records - Allen v DHS State and Allen v USCIS - FOIA Releases Final 7-29-10 Scribd http://www.scribd.com/embeds/35163631/content?view_mode=list&start_page=1&access_key=key-1fqlu6y0v23yldxombc6&
Scribd http://www.scribd.com/embeds/35192432/content?view_mode=list&start_page=1&access_key=key-265buz70uq1iujgpnc3c&
Charles Kerchner on the Bill Cunningham: http://youtu.be/HmZpwcRf3FQ via @youtube

Analysis by:
CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)
Lead Plaintiff
Kerchner et al v Obama & Congress et al
Please visit this website and help the cause if you can:
-Source: Stanley Ann Dunham/Obama/Soetoro Passport Records Released, Earliest Passport Info No Longer Exists, 2 Places of Marriage & Another Obama Name, Got Disinformation!? | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records -
FOIA Appeal 1/25/2011: Evidence of a cover-up that the Department of State illegally destroyed Obama’s Mother’s pre-1965 passport application(s). - Details here.
New Analysis - 2/11/2011: Constitutional Crisis Update; Freedom of Information & The People’s Right To Know - Regarding Numerous Obama Related FOIA Requests/Suits -here.
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