Dark days in America, White House held hostage – Day 16
of Homeland Security has bought 1.6 billion bullets and thousands of
armored vehicles. Republicans are asking why and no one is answering.
Sense of Service
Barack Obama. While claiming the government cannot spend a few thousand dollars a day to operate the tours, the Department of Homeland Security,
not the Army or Marines or Reserves but the new government department
to defend against terrorism, purchased 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.
When questioned by Republicans why, they refused to answer.
DHS buys up ammunition
DHS denies the purchase and says the Republican charge is illusory, that their purchase is over several years for practice rounds. Unless they are buying target rounds for the entire military and law enforcement agency in the country, this rings false. The fact that they are buying hollow point ammo, (which is illegal to use in the military), belies the claim that the ammo is for target practice.
The Tea Party Patriots have made a movie depicting an America remade into a socialist state. Leftists believe that socialism is “fair for everyone.” Obama says that each must give “their fair share,” which, in socialist terms means, “From each according to his means, to each according to his needs,” which is dictatorial terms for stealing from those who produce and giving to those who do not. In a voting war between the maker and the takers, when the takers outnumber the makers, then the America built on liberty and capitalism will collapse under the oppression of socialism. 20th century Germany, Russia, and China are all examples of what happens when socialists rule.
Tea Party Patriots warning about government imposing socialism
For the third weekend the White House is remains closed to
visitors due to the sequestration cuts, according to the president who
is the current tenant, DHS buys up ammunition
DHS denies the purchase and says the Republican charge is illusory, that their purchase is over several years for practice rounds. Unless they are buying target rounds for the entire military and law enforcement agency in the country, this rings false. The fact that they are buying hollow point ammo, (which is illegal to use in the military), belies the claim that the ammo is for target practice.
The Tea Party Patriots have made a movie depicting an America remade into a socialist state. Leftists believe that socialism is “fair for everyone.” Obama says that each must give “their fair share,” which, in socialist terms means, “From each according to his means, to each according to his needs,” which is dictatorial terms for stealing from those who produce and giving to those who do not. In a voting war between the maker and the takers, when the takers outnumber the makers, then the America built on liberty and capitalism will collapse under the oppression of socialism. 20th century Germany, Russia, and China are all examples of what happens when socialists rule.
Tea Party Patriots warning about government imposing socialism
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