Monday, May 11, 2015

all secert societies have intent to destroy christiany

Winston Churchill
Political Mafia
[Freemason, Druid. Here is the man who, with Lindemann, invented Terror bombing, i.e. carpet bombing civilians (Kissinger killed 600,000 civilians by carpet bombing Cambodia).  The height of his madness was bombing Dresden, the Florence of the north, and deliberately killing over 500,000 German civilians and refugees, mostly women and children, with Phosphorus bombs, in one night (world record for deaths in one day).  And he did that to dozens of German cities, such as Hamburg with 70,000 deaths, while Coventry lost 300 people.  That was the real Holocaust of World War II.  No wonder he acquiesced in the fake holocaust, it was  great cover for his crimes.  Then he condoned the Mass Starvation of Germans, 1945-1950, Operation Keelhaul, and the Red Army rape.]
See: Allied War Crimes
[2014 Nov] Athens 1944: Britain’s dirty secret  When 28 civilians were killed in Athens, it wasn’t the Nazis who were to blame, it was the British. Ed Vulliamy and Helena Smith reveal how Churchill’s shameful decision to turn on the partisans who had fought on our side in the war sowed the seeds for the rise of the far right in Greece today
[2013 April] Churchill’s Last Secretary Dies By T Stokes
Churchill, Lord Randolph Spencer
[Mason] Studholme Alliance Lodge No. 1591, Rosemary Lodge No. 2851. (Note: The Churchill Society claims he resigned from his Lodges in 1912.)
Lusitania: The Pearl Harbor of WWI
[2011 Dec] Zionists Funded Both Hitler & Churchill by Henry Makow Ph.D.
[2011] Churchill, International Jews and the Holocaust: A Revisionist Analysis by Paul Grubach
WINSTON CHURCHILL WAS A JUDAS by T Stokes Tony Blair as 'Miranda '  HE WHO PAYS THE PIPER by T. Stokes  Churchill had huge gambling, drinking and whoring bills, and Jock Colville claimed he usually insisted on ginger haired prostitutes, so they bought him a ginger tomcat as a private joke. Churchill’s sandhurst file, the original and proper one lists him as, 'a confirmed sodomite and a menace to the younger boys' ( Courtesy of guy burgess diaries ) this waywardness allowed Churchill to be used by the bankers, under the carrot and the stick, you do as we say and you get paid x amount, you don’t do as we say and we ruin you. In W W 1 Churchill took bankers cash in the name of Colonel Arden, and W W II his secretary said several names were used, Mr. A Conner’s was alleged to be just one.
[2010 Oct] Not his finest hour: The dark side of Winston Churchill
[2010 Aug] British physicist who stepped outside the realm of science--Frederick Alexander Lindemann by Madhusree Mukerjee
[2008] Was Churchill a “Holocaust Denier”? By T Stokes 
[2008] Winston Churchill: Secret conversations reveal views on Stalin and Gandhi
[2006] Winston Churchill: Another View of a Paper God by Brian Harring
[2004] The Real Churchill by Adam Young
Churchill’s Druids and Britain's Satanic Prime Minister
[2005] Winston Churchill, Illuminati By Henry Makow, Ph.D.
[1987] Irving on Churchill. Dismantling Churchillian Mythology by Theodore J. O'Keefe
Winston Churchill's Secret Poison Gas Memo I quite agree that it may be several weeks or even months before I shall ask you to drench Germany with poison gas, and if we do it, let us do it one hundred per cent.
How Britain Pioneered City Bombing by Nicholas Kollerstrom, PhD
Rethinking Churchill by Ralph Raico
[vid] The Zionist Influence Over Winston Churchill
WINSTON CHURCHILL A Famous Man and a Freemason  initiation into the Studholme Lodge No 1591 on 24 May of 1901
See: Laurence Burgis Morgenthau British Concentration Camps (Boer War)  Eisenhower  Professor Frederick Lindemann Morton   Morgenthau 

“Finding Jesus’ Graves … challenges the Flat Lie Royals“ hallett report No8

Faurisson, Professor Robert

Vulcan/Rabbi Salute   (looks photoshoped)

V Sign

Sir Martin Gilbert

War crimes
Terror bombing

Mass Starvation of Germans, 1945-1950


Hitler was a British Agent by Greg Hallett

[2010] THE SEX COLLECTORS - How the World is run on Shame - Vol. III, HEROIN TICKET by Greg Hallett
Churchill's Secret War: The British Empire and Ravaging of India During World War II  by Madhusree Mukerjee  The Churchill industry has always denied that their idol could have done anything to relieve the Bengal famine. Shipping, they claim, was scarce and it just wasn't possible to send food to Bengal. Mukerjee nails those "terminological inexactitudes" with precision. There was a shipping glut in summer and autumn 1943, thanks to the US transferring cargo ships to British control. Churchill, Lindemann and their close associates simply did not consider Indian lives worth saving.
Stalin's British Training by Greg Hallett
[2011] Churchill's Secret War: The British Empire and the Ravaging of India during World War II by Madhusree Mukerjee
Quotes by Churchill
“History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.” – Winston Churchill

[2006] The Mystery of Super Spy - Sir Anthony Blunt by T. Stokes  Anthony Blunt said that the death in 1941 of the king's brother, the Duke of Kent, was a murder on Churchill's orders.
Winston Churchill’s original Sandhurst file, for example, described him as an idle layabout and a confirmed sodomite who was a menace to the younger boys.  [2011 Oct] Death of a Showman: Jimmy Saville 1926-2011 by T Stokes
"You must understand that this war is not against Hitler or National Socialism, but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless of whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest."--Winston Churchill, Emrys Hughes, Winston Churchill - His Career in War and Peace, p. 145; quoted as per: Adrian Preissinger, Von Sachsenhausen bis Buchenwald, p. 23.
"I do not understand this squeamishness about the use of gas. I am strongly in favour of using gases against uncivilised tribes."--Winston S Churchill, Great Britain’s then Colonial Secretary, referring to the Kurds, in an official communication, 1921
"I do not admit that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia by the fact that a stronger race has come in and taken their place."--Winston S Churchill
"Since the end of the war about 3,000,000 people, mostly women and children and overaged men, have been killed in eastern Germany and south-eastern Europe; about 15,000,000 people have been deported or had to flee from their homesteads and are on the road. About 25 per cent of these people, over 3,000,000 have perished. About 4,000,000 men and women have been deported to eastern Europe and Russia as slaves. It seems that the elimination of the German population of eastern Europe - at least 15,000,000 people - was planned in accordance with decisions made at Yalta. Churchill had said to Mikolajczyk when the latter protested during the negotiations at Moscow against forcing Poland to incorporate eastern Germany: "Don't mind the five or more million Germans. Stalin will see to them. You will have no trouble with them: they will cease to exist."
Quoted by Sen. Homer Capehart in speech before U.S. Senate, Feb. 5, 1946.

“Germany is becoming too strong. We must crush her.” To American General Robert E. Wood, in November 1936. Quoted in: Peter H. Nicoll, Englands Krieg gegen Deutschland, p. 83.
 “Germany’s unforgivable crime before the second world war was her attempt to extricate her economic power from the world’s trading system and to create her own exchange mechanism which would deny world finance its opportunity to profit.” Churchill to Lord Robert Boothby, as quoted in: Sidney Rogerson, Propaganda in the Next War (Foreword to the second edition 2001), originally published in 1938.
“I do not want suggestions as to how we can disable the economy and the machinery of war; what I want are suggestions as to how we can roast the German refugees on their escape from Breslau.” Quoted in: Juan Maler, Die Unvollendete, p. 27.

Churchill's REAL father was King Edward VII by Randolph Churchill's wife the Jewess Socialite BECAUSE Churchill was diseased with Syphilis and infertile. She was well known to be Edward VII's Mistress and Winston physically was Edward & his mother's spitting image down to face and body bone structure. Winston Churchill's REAL Father was NOT Randolph Churchill.  Further, the Royals' doctor, Dr. Wynn Westcott, was Complicit in the Jack the Ripper murders as he too, was 33rd Degree Freemason, who with fellow 33rd Degree Mason, MacGregor Mathers, got Charter from Illuminati splinter in Germany to co-found the very occult Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in 1888. At that same time in Germany two wealthy Industrialists also both 33rd Degree Freemasons, Karl Kellner and Theodor Reuss, got a Charter from an Illuminati splinter to co-found the Ordo Tempii Orientis/OTO. Coincidence ??? NOT.  HOW do You think Winston Churchill rose to be Prime Minister of the Oligarchy Royals? Winston Churchill was an Illegitimate "Royal Bastard" like Adolf SALOMON ROTHSCHILD Hitler, William Jefferson WINTHROP ROCKEFELLER Clinton, and Barbara ALEISTER CROWLEY Pierce Bush. [2011] "Jack the Ripper" was Winston Churchill's Father by John Hamer
I remember listening to David Irving when he came to Brisbane in about 1988. He said then that Churchill in about 1937 was in hock to his stock brokers to the tune of £120,000. He was bailed out by a man called Hertzog, a South African Jew.
He was a very entertaining and interesting speaker and well worth the entrance money. He told a story about Churchill who had decided to leave 10 Downing Street to go out of town. The point was that he was expecting an air raid that night and assumed it would be on London. Just as he was leaving in his chauffeur-driven Rolls an envelope was handed to him. The chauffeur relates that by the time they got to Hyde Park, Churchill had read the contents of the envelope and ordered the car be turned round to go back to No 10. At this time the British had cracked the Enigma Code and the intelligence was that the Germans were going to attack Coventry, not London. Outside No 10 Churchill started to harangue the sky in front of a large crowd, shaking his fist and saying, "Hitler, here I am. Come and get me !"

In his letter, Brüning wrote, 'I didn't, and do not even today for understandable reasons, wish to reveal from October 1928, the two largest regular contributors to the Nazi Party were the general managers of two of the largest Berlin banks, both of Jewish faith and one of them the leader of Zionism in Germany."......Irving pointed out that Churchill rejected Hitler's peace offers in 1939, 1940, and 1941. .....Irving then gave a detailed account of the cynical manoeuvrings of Churchill to escalate the aerial campaign against Germany's civilian population to the point at which Hitler was driven to strike back against Britain's cities, supplying the spurious justification for the R.A.F.'s (and later the U.S. Army Air Force's) monstrous terror attacks against centuries-old citadels of culture and their helpless inhabitants......Churchill's drunken rantings, often during cabinet meetings, disgusted many of his generals, as when, at a meeting on July 6, 1944, the prime minister told his commanders to prepare to drop two million lethal anthrax bombs on German cities. [1987] Irving on Churchill. Dismantling Churchillian Mythology by Theodore J. O'Keefe
Winston Churchill and the War Department set up a situation where London would be blitzed, without telling the people that Britain had started the process several months earlier. This had the effect of getting Britons into a mood for total war, without the traditional restraints of civilised ‘laws’ or conventions, restraints which had hitherto established that civilians would not as such be targeted
......In March 1942 Churchill’s War Cabinet adopted the ‘Lindemann plan’, whereby civilian targeting became official. Working-class homes were preferred to upper-class because they were closer together, and so a greater flesh-incineration-per-bomb could be achieved. The Jewish German émigré Professor Frederick Lindemann, Churchill's friend and scientific advisor had by then become Lord Cherwell. He submitted a plan to the War Cabinet on March 30th urging that German working-class houses be targeted in preference to military objectives, the latter being harder to hit. Middle-class homes had too much space around them, he explained. He was not prosecuted for a ghastly new war-crime, hitherto undreamt-of. Thereby all cities and town over 50,000 inhabitants could be destroyed, or at least brought to ruin. The War Cabinet realised that no inkling of this must reach the public. How Britain Pioneered City Bombing

[2008] Was Churchill a “Holocaust Denier”? T Stokes  Churchill condoned the Soviet rape squads sent into Germany at the wars end and helped Stalin hide the Soviet Katyn Forest murders, like Stalin, blaming the Germans for the crime...On Churchill’s orders the S.O.E murdered Reinhardt Heydrich in order to bring reprisals on the Czech’s and thereby harden their resolve against Germany. The papers reveal that Churchill joked about the huge bombing raids on defenceless German dormitory towns.  Sir Anthony Blunt said that as the war was closing, Churchill did not want to feed or house large numbers of German refugees, and preferred them burnt in their homes......Also mentioned is Churchill’s wish to murder Ghandi, who was against the violence of the war....Russian spy Ursula Kuczinsky, codenamed ” Sonja” serviced Oxford during W W II and claimed Chamberlain was murdered by Churchill after he accepted 50,0000 pounds from the Rothschild syndicate to take the country to war.
 “Winston Churchill was a man of blood and a politico without principle, whose apotheosis serves to corrupt every standard of honesty and morality in politics and history.” --Ralph Raico
Three of the best known works on the Second World War are General Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe (New York, Doubleday [Country Life Press], 1948), Winston Churchill's The Second World War (London, Cassell, 6 vol., 1948-1954), and the Mémoires de guerre of General de Gaulle (Paris, Plon, 3 vol., 1954-1959). In these three works not the least mention of the Nazi gas chambers is to be found. [1997] The Detail by Robert Faurisson
When he (Himmler) died his nose was broken and his cyanide capsule was still intact.  Churchill did not want Himmler interviewed by the Americans and refused to allow him to reveal what he knew at trial.  This removed one of the most troublesome witnesses to Hitler's survival and Churchill's part in it. Hitler was a British Agent by Greg Hallett
The convergence of available evidence from all released sources provide more than ample justification to conclude that Heinrich Himmler, and a number of other high level officials in the Nazi SS organisation, were indeed assassinated as part of a pre-determined plan advanced by Churchill’s cabinet.
These facts have all been fully investigated and meticulously documented in my book, Himmlers Tod.
In respect to the assassination of Heinrich Himmler, et. al., the evidence that did survive reveals that:
1        Tentative plans were discussed and enthusiastically advocated by Churchill and his closest advisors to assassinate selected German and Italian officials within a few hours of capture.
2        The autopsy report of Heinrich Himmler was falsified, incomplete, and evidence was fabricated.
3        Material evidence relating to the homicide was removed at the site.
4       The participants in the crime were instructed not to divulge any details [other than the officially released version] to the public or to researchers insofar as their role in the events was concerned and they were bound to the rule of official secrecy thereafter.
5        Post-war accounts from the individuals in private diaries provided additional information supporting the conclusion that foul play was involved in the death of the German leader.
6        At least two of the participants were later decorated with the MBE for their role in the affair.
7        Material evidence relating to the crime was erased after the war at the express insistence of the War Office.
8        The records surrounding the ‘official’ inquiry into the circumstances of Himmler’s death have been sealed until the end of the century.
case I had reconstructed from the available documentary evidence in the form of private diaries, forensic evidence, eyewitnesses to the events and recently released papers from the archives in the United States and Great Britain led me to the ineluctable conclusion that the chief of the Gestapo and SS was assassinated for very specific reasons related to the postwar Allied occupation of Germany. The attendant circumstantial evidence I had uncovered and assembled was so powerful and incriminating that I had no need of Mr. Allen’s documents to support my thesis.  However, if the documents turned out to be authentic, they would have provided the icing on the cake. The Case of the Feckless Forger: The Forgery of a Forgery  

Onassis was an extremely close friend of Winston Churchill. The Freemason Winston Churchill is a descendent of a family that has been part of the elite that have secretly run the world. Winston Churchill on several occasions told Onassis that the only one he could trust in W.W. II was Joseph Stalin. (This is a far cry from the picture given in history books.) Winston Churchill spent a great deal of time on Onassis’s yacht Christina. Onassis was also friendly with Winston Churchill’s friend of Bernard Baruch. It was Bernard Baruch who convinced Winston Churchill to join the Illuminati conspiracy. He asked Churchill to come watch something important in NY in 1929, and then he showed Churchill how they could destroy the Stock Market. That show of power brought Churchill on board. Bloodlines of the Illuminati  8. Onassis
Holocaust over Dresden, known as the Florence of the North. Dresden was a hospital city for wounded soldiers. Not one military unit, not one anti-aircraft battery was deployed in the city. Together with the 600,000 refugees from Breslau, Dresden was filled with nearly 1.2 million people. Churchill had asked for "suggestions how to blaze 600,000 refugees". He wasn't interested how to target military installations 60 miles outside of Dresden. More than 700,000 phosphorus bombs were dropped on 1.2 million people. One bomb for every 2 people. The temperature in the centre of the city reached 1600o centigrade. More than 260,000 bodies and residues of bodies were counted. But those who perished in the centre of the city can't be traced. Appr. 500,000 children, women, the elderly, wounded soldiers and the animals of the zoo were murdered in one night. [2001] TERROR BOMBING: THE CRIME OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY by Michael Walsh
Adolph Hitler read Madame Blavatsky's book, The Secret Doctrine, nightly. That was the source of his power and his ability to control others. After the war, Winston Churchill suppressed efforts to expose Adolph Hitler's occultism. Why? [129. Debra Rae, The ABCs o f Globalism, Huntington House, 1999, p. 82. See Also: McLaughlin, op cit., pp. 261-62.]
Winston Churchill reportedly insisted that the black magic of the Nazi party not be revealed to the general public after the war, and the Allied prosecution and judges at Nuremberg consciously ignored the occult aspects of the Nazis' tremendous power and cruelty. [130] Margaret Sanger was a Theosophist, and her eugenic policies and birth control programs were products of her occult beliefs.[131 George Grant, Killer Angel, Ars Vitae Press, New York, p. 90.] Brotherhood of Darkness by Stanley Monteith

Leslie Howard was also a homosexual who had a flat in Chelsea, London. He was caught in a sexually compromising act in a public toilet in London and arrested for homosexual behaviour. Instead of charged he was taken to a military base where he spent the next three months learning to imitate Winston Churchill. He was not told it was for a canned meat operation, but then again, they never told their flight crews either.  The military then dressed Leslie Howard as Winston Churchill and leaked it out through known double agents that Churchill was going to fly to Cyprus. The plane was then shot down by the Germans 40 km off the English coast on 1 June 1943 and Leslie Howard was killed. Meanwhile Churchill went by another route to the Middle East and for the next 10 days the Germans thought Churchill was dead (1-11 June 1943). Officially Leslie Howard was killed on a special mission flight from Lisbon to London. Winston Churchill had doppelgangers for voice and transport and probably went through them with alarming regularity. Hitler was a British Agent by Greg Hallett
Most of the British Royal family are illegitimate, including Queen Victoria, Prince consort Albert, King Edward VII and his son Winston Churchill. Winston Churchill was first cousin with Adolf Hitler’s father and uncle to Anthony Blunt, King Edward VIII and King George VI. Adolf Hitler’s grandfather ran the Rothschild Bank, the Bank of England, and was the first Jewish MP in British Parliament.
Prince Albert was also the son of a stable boy. Close to bankruptcy, the British Royal family were saved by another stable boy, John Brown, who went on to marry Queen Victoria after Albert ‘died’.
    The British Royal family are a subset of the Rothschild family and the Rothschilds control all the wars and finances of the British monarchy. The British Royal family declare war as soon as the Rothschilds have completed their preparations. This makes for huge profits.
    Many royals died of syphilis and many others died from the treatment of syphilis. When a British royal didn’t like his wife, he simply ordered her murder – on their coronation night. This was repeated again 166 years later with the murder of Princess Diana as covered up by Lord Stevens.   HOW TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD  A Right Royal Con by Greg Hallett.

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