Friday, September 26, 2014

Muslims Are Already Answering the Call of ISIS to Kill 10 Million Americans When A Muslim Decapitates An American Woman in Oklahoma

Muslims Are Already Answering the Call of ISIS to Kill 10 Million Americans When A Muslim Decapitates An American Woman in Oklahoma

In Islam, Muslims are required to offer their would-be convert an opportunity to convert first before severing their heads. When the non-Muslim refuses to convert, the mercy killing is allowed to commence.
That is what happened at a Vaughan Foods in Moore, Oklahoma when a non-Muslim woman was decapitated by a former employee who was Muslim and had tried to convert his co-workers prior to being fired.
From now on, this is how we will report these types of stories. As we stated in our post regarding the ISIS Manifesto, Americans are in the cross-hairs of ISIS and desperately need to study that Manifesto, which is calling for the elimination of 10 million of us.
However, our government and media prefers to coverup and ignore as much as possible.
On page 5, what westerns do not understand when they ask “why” and “what type of human being can kill indiscriminately”, ISIS explains the first lesson in such killing is that its what they term Ihsan, in English, it is “The act of kindness and charity”.
أن الأصل في القتل الإحسان:
فقد ثبت في الصحيح عن شداد بن أوس رضي الله عنه قال: قال رسول الله صلى
الله عليه وسلم: (إن الله كتب الإحسان على كل شيء؛ فإذا قتلتم فأحسنوا القتلة، وإذا ذبحتم فأحسنوا الذبحة، وليحد أحدكم شفرته وليرح ذبيحته).
In English:
“It was shown in Sahih … the Prophet said “Allah wrote everything we need to know about Ihsan (kindness) so if you kill perfect your killing and if you slaughter, perfect your slaughter and sharpen your blade and comfort your sacrifice” (also see Hadith Muslim 107/13)
What ISIS sees from their perspective is that killing Americans is an act of mercy:
“Ibn Rajab said regarding Allah’s mercy in his collection on science and governance, p 112: “in charity it is permissible to kill people and animals in the easiest way and do not increase in the torture and the easiest method to kill a human being is to strike off the neck with the sword of violence in accordance to the Quran when “you meet the unbelievers then strike off their necks”(Quran) “فإذالقيتمالذينكفروافضربالرقاب” and it also said: “I will spread horror/terror in the hearts of the unbelievers, smite above their necks and smite there fingertips thereof” (see Page 5)
As Americans wring their hands and obsess over whether or not ISIS is inside the U.S., ISIS propaganda has been successfully penetrating our borders for months. Whether tweets that show ISIS messages outside the White House, a man carrying a sign in Ferguson, MO that reads ‘ISIS is here’, or people being spotted in Houston wearing ISIS apparel, the message is clear. has been warning that its not just ISIS, but ISIS sympathizers who either are hoe grown Muslim or  has already infiltrated America and every time we see a Muslim kill a non-Muslim, like what happened in New Jersey recently, the messaging of ISIS is effective.
That’s if you believe the firsthand accounts of the employees:
Sgt. Jeremy Lewis says the alleged suspect, 30-year-old Alton Nolen had just been fired when he drove to the front of the business, hit a vehicle and walked inside.
He walked into the front office area where he met 54-year-old Colleen Hufford and began attacking her with a knife.
Sgt. Lewis confirms the type of knife used in the attack is the same kind used at the plant.
Lewis confirms that Hufford was stabbed several times and that Nolen “severed her head.”
At that point, Lewis claims Nolen met 43-year-old Traci Johnson and began attacking her with the same knife.
Officials say at that point, Mark Vaughan, an Oklahoma County reserve deputy and a former CEO of the business, shot him as he was actively stabbing Johnson.
“He’s, obviously, a hero in this situation,” Sgt. Lewis said, referring to Vaughan. “It could have gotten a lot worse.”
Authorities say it appears Nolen was attacking employees at random.
Johnson is in stable condition at a local hospital, recovering from her injuries.
The FBI is now looking into Nolen’s background after his former co-workers said he tried to convert them to Islam after recently converting himself.
Lewis says the FBI is working in conjunction with the Moore Police Department, especially when it comes to the religious aspect of the case.
At this time, it is not known if the suspect’s beliefs played a role in the attack.
Another non-Muslim American citizen at the plant saved an untold number of lives when he shot Nolen, who was attempting to behead more non-Muslims. Americans need to lock and load and be ready for more of these types of attacks.

Muslims Are Already Answering the Call of ISIS to Kill 10 Million Americans When A Muslim Decapitates An American …

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