Wednesday, September 17, 2014

BREAKING NEWS : 10,000 ISIS Terrorists DEAD In Iraq & Syria

BREAKING NEWS : 10,000 ISIS Terrorists DEAD In Iraq & Syria

By Amy Elizabeth
I had a dream last night . One too good not to tell. I had a dream. I was Elizabeth Montgomery of the tv show Bewitched but I wasn’t on tv. I had her powers to wiggle my nose. I could twitch my nose to perform a spell I would get my wish just like she did on her TV show Bewitched. I used it to change the world. My dream begins..
In a miraculous coincidence or a hand of fate a Blonde Lady wiggles her nose and 10,000 ISIS Terrorist commit suicide all over Iraq and Syria. Us Advisors to the area were getting into the theater of the operation and witness this event. Maybe As the troops landed ISIS showed what spineless weazles they really were in fear of going to Guantanamo, they choose the easy way out. One Marine quipped “They are not going to get their Virgins now!!”
One Iraqi lady with tears of joy describes what happened:
“This blonde lady in a bright Roberto Cavalli  dress shows up when ISIS was trying to kill my family. She appeared in a flash and wiggled her nose. All of a sudden the ISIS Terrorist are killing themselves. They were  getting ready to behead innocent people instead they chopped their own heads off. It’s a miracle. I can’t imagine a world without Islam . We can all live in such peace now.”
Here’s what she did

Sean Hannity Interviews The Blonde Lady Who Woke up As Elizabeth Montgomery killing 10,000 ISIS Terrorists.
Conservative Lady “When I woke up I was in Iraq surrounded by the ISIS terrorists . They were about to behead a whole entire family and telling me “I would be next.” I wiggled my nose and prayed to Jesus. I looked up and the ISIS terrorists started chopping off their own heads.
Sean Hannity: That’s unbelievable. Thank you .You have done a great job saving so many innocent lives from the evil Islamic terrorists. The Commander-in-Chief couldn’t even develop a stragedy in handling these evil terrorists. I mean he couldn’t even find time to get off the golf course while Christians in Iraq were having genocide committed against them.
Conservative Lady : Yes, I had a dream that one day we could live in a world without evil.  I had a dream that one day we would live in a world free from Islamic terrorists. Now is the time to make reality for all God’s children. I have a dream that all children will be able to worship whatever religion they want all over the world. There will be neither  rest or tranquility in America until we are free from  radicalization of Islam and Muslim terrorists. The same goes througout the world. The worldwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundation of our nation and the entire world until the bright days of justice emerge.  I had a dream

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