Friday, May 30, 2014

In what is proving a busy Friday story dump, even by Obama White House standards,

In what is proving a busy Friday story dump, even by Obama White House standards, two stories were released that White House operatives are likely hoping to be overshadowed by the Shinseki VA resignation announcement.

Do you hear what I hear Mr. President?  A summer of discontent…

First, is confirmation from an story published here yesterday in which a source indicated the Hillary-Obama White House meeting was leaked by someone from within the Hillary camp. Fox News is now reporting that the Hillary operation has already initiated a series of “tactical leaks” in an attempt to get in front of the now quickly developing Benghazi investigation, and the likely, and possibly considerable, political fallout to follow.  Second, the Clinton machine announced the hiring of “Dude that was like two years ago” former Obama adviser Tommy Vieter, the man who attempted to diminish the intent of the Benghazi investigation by claiming it was an old story unworthy of more attention, despite NEW emails directly linking the White House to an attempted cover up of the what really happened before, during, after the Benghazi Massacre.

Nice to see a source proven so accurate so quickly on this one.

The second story the White House hopes to hide behind the Shinseki resignation is Jay Carney’s seemingly out of nowhere announcement he is leaving his post as White House Press Secretary.  One cannot overlook the implications of the timing, given the looming investigations of both Benghazi, the VA scandal, and still in the background, the IRS troubles.  This is a White House gasping for air as it suffocates on the poison of its own scandal ridden atmosphere.

Perhaps Carney wasn’t up to the task of marching himself out each day to lie to a press corp that might start to actually do its job and demand answers.

Regardless, this is shaping up to be one heck of an interesting political summer.

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