Thursday, February 13, 2014

Michigan: Thug Union Publishes Hit List of Workers Who Opted Out of Union Under Right-To-Work Law, Labels Them “Freeloaders”…

Michigan: Thug Union Publishes Hit List of Workers Who Opted Out of Union Under Right-To-Work Law, Labels Them “Freeloaders”…

They can expect slashed tires, sugar in their gas tanks, rocks thrown through windows etc.
Via NRO:
When Michigan became a right-to-work state last year, unions misleadingly contended that it was unfair because they would be forced to represent even those who were no longer paying dues. Now, Operating Engineers Local 324 has made this accusation personal: When workers opt out of union membership, the union publishes their names and places of work in a quarterly “Freeloaders List.”
That puts non-union workers at increased risk of intimidation and violence—something that’s certainly not unprecedented in Michigan. Regardless, there’s currently no law preventing unions such as Michigan’s Local 324 from publishing lists of members who opt out, says Richard Berman, executive director of the Center for Union Facts.
Furthermore, unions’ claims about “freeloading” are deceptive. Unions do have to offer representation to both dues-paying members and those who opted out—but only because they actually chose to do so during contract negotiations, says Patrick Semmens, vice president of the National Right to Work Foundation.
Keep reading…

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