Friday, December 13, 2013

WikiLeaks: Israel relationship secret Brotherhood and their presence in the government .. And statements hostile to maintain the group's popularity among supporters

WikiLeaks: Israel relationship secret Brotherhood and their presence in the government .. And statements hostile to maintain the group's popularity among supporters

Sunday 05/05/2013 - 19:28
Books - Mohammed Fawzi
One of the leaked documents revealed by the website "Wikileaks" for talks between the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and the U.S. State Department about the nature of the relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood in Israel, the document said that the group is well known that maintaining the peace agreement is a condition they are in power.

She added that the Muslim Brotherhood is well known that the West will not allow them to take any hostile attitude toward the Jewish state, and that their support for Egypt during the transitional phase is based on the continuation of relations with Tel Aviv.

The document revealed also that the group resorted between now and then to launch the statements classified as hostile toward Israel, but this is apparent, but the real purpose of these statements is simply to retain its popularity among its supporters, as well as in order to Atnaqd previous positions ahead of the arrival of the rule of Isriil.

He described a U.S. officials Brotherhood and its relationship with Israel, saying that "the group will be spoiled dog of Israel."

The document also noted that U.S. military aid to Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood will make more lenient with Isriil, and they will not accept any act of hostility against Israel, fearing for American aid.

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