Wednesday, December 4, 2013

It Turns Out Obama Was Nothing But a Community Organizer All Along

It Turns Out Obama Was Nothing But a Community Organizer All Along

It’s fitting that on the same day President Obama’s latest health-care offensive began, the Washington Post featured a story on its front page reporting that that is making frequent enrollment errors affecting up to one-third of the people who have signed up for the health plans since October 1. The mistakes include failure to notify insurers about new customers; duplicate enrollments or cancellation notices for the same person; incorrect information about family members; and mistakes involving federal subsidies.
This comes on top of the fact that we’ve learned that officials at the Department of Health and Human Services warned in September that the security of the site had not been properly tested before it opened, creating “a high risk,” and that online security experts are warning that it could take a year to secure the risk of “high exposures” of personal information on the federal ObamaCare online exchange.
And you can add to all this rising costs for premiums and deductibles and the fact that due to the Affordable Care Act, around five million people have lost their private health insurance, with estimates that as many as 80 million people with employer health plans could find their coverage canceled next year because they are not compliant with the ACA.
Yet the president is betting that three weeks of his speeches, spin, and PR events will undo the damage; that his reassuring words and assault on the GOP will make up for his epic governing incompetence.
This is a delusional hope.
The problem Mr. Obama faces isn’t a communications failure; it’s a facts-on-the-ground failure. He is the author and architect of a perfectly awful law. A few clever lines delivered from an increasingly unpopular and discredited president won’t make any difference. The public is both turning on the president and tuning him out.
Americans are tired of Mr. Obama; and they are tired of the pain and trauma, the ineptness and dishonesty, of his presidency.
Maybe he was just a Chicago community organizer after all.
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