Wednesday, December 11, 2013

How to read Obama's remarks Khamenei?

How to read Obama's remarks Khamenei?
In the story of international negotiations with Tehran, it does not matter what he said yesterday about the Iranian leader said his country will not retreat «one iota» from its nuclear rights, and that there are limits will not bettered the Iranian negotiating team in Geneva talks, most important of all is how President Obama will read the same statements Leader ?
Of course, does not care about the words of Supreme Leader Khamenei, and in front of a crowd of thousands of volunteers in the Basij militia, which Tinkl Syrians: «assure that we will not retreat one iota from our nuclear rights». Or saying «we do not interfere in the details of these talks, there are red lines and certain limits must be observed. And directed them to comply with the instructions in this border ». This means that the leader is primarily responsible for the negotiations.
It does not matter until the words of the guide, said that «the West intends to strengthen the pressure on Iran. The Iranians will not bow to pressure because of a », threatening that« they should know that the Iranian nation respects all nations, but we will deal a blow to the aggressors will never forget, »! All of this does not matter, even when the narrative mentor what he saw as a long series of crimes committed by America, cheers Basij «Death to America», nor when he said, that «French officials do not Aredkhoun the United States and by, but kneeling down in front of the Israeli regime».
All of the above is important, what will stop him specifically American president is telling the Iranian leader «We want friendly relations with all nations, even with the United States.
Ndmr not anti-American nation. They are like other nations of the world »! This is what will stop him President Obama, even if that word was uttered cheers «Death to America», this sentence, any friendly relations, is what he wants President Obama to hear far away from any other details, because the administration wants agreement by not real achievement integrated ensures security of the region as a whole, and the limits of Iran's nuclear ambition. The U.S. administration, and in each case of international issues that are at hand, proved to be a half-management solutions, and accept whatever face-saving condition that there be no military action, or a serious political work.
U.S. administration want the shortest route, and easiest, even as it deals with Iran, which are not known for respecting the laws of, or regard for international borders, and what you do enough Tehran now in Syria, and Iraq, and Lebanon, and others.
Of course, it is not difficult to monitor flopping American in our region, which brought the Russians to stronger than they once were, and not in Syria or Egypt, but enough is hoping to deal Israel now with the Russians, because everyone understands that the Obama administration Sttlagaf line of speech, such as speech Khamenei, and the adoption of optimism that it did not achieve significant result since the arrival of Obama to the presidency, and even today! (Middle East)

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