Sunday, November 10, 2013

France Prevents Obama From Making North Korea Type Deal With Iran

France Prevents Obama From Making North Korea Type Deal With Iran

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For those of you who can remember, Bill Clinton sent Jimmy Carter to North Korea to make a nuclear agreement.  Clinton and Carter gave North Korea 2 nuclear reactors, fuel, and 250 million in cash, for a promise from North Korea, not to build a bomb.  That did not work out well.  This week, Obama and his European cronies tried to give away the store to Iran but were stopped by France, who objected to the way the deal was laid out.  Iran offered no guarantees.
American Senators McCain and Graham heaped praise on France for taking a hard-line in the negotiations.
McCain: “Vive la France!”
“France had the courage to prevent a bad nuclear agreement with Iran.”
Graham said, “Thank God for France and thank God for push back.”
“The French are becoming very good leaders in the Mid East.”
“My fear is that we’re going to wind up creating a North Korea-type situation in  the Mideast, where we negotiate with Iran and one day you wake up… and you’re  going to have a nuclear Iran.”
This is in stark contrast to French behavior during Iraq’s invasion of Iraq, in which they French fought against going to war with Saddam.  Anger was so fierce that restaurants renamed French Fries as Freedom Fries.

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