Sunday, July 7, 2013

dont trust lindesy gram he is islamic


Apr 032011
Burning a QuranObama is dropping bombs in at least three Muslim countries, killing thousands of Muslims, and still helping to prop up the greatest evil known to Islam: Israel.
Yet a Pastor in Florida who burned a copy of the Qur’an is the reason that the adherents to the Religion of Pieces savagely murdered 7 United Nations workers in Afghanistan?
But that hasn’t stopped Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) from blaming…not the savage animals who would kill over a burned book — but instead the pastor who was exercising his first amendment rights. So off-their-fucking-rockers are Reid and Graham, that they are hoping to find some way to punish Jones while shitting all over the first amendment.
Here’s the worst-Republican in the Senate:
“I wish we could find a way to hold people accountable. Free speech is a great idea, but we’re in a war. During World War II, we had limits on what you could say if it would inspire the enemy. So, burning a Koran is a terrible thing but it doesn’t justify killing someone. Burning a Bible would be a terrible thing but it doesn’t justify murder.
You could burn a thousand Bibles and it would not hurt the Bible. The Bible would be more damaged if its followers killed people in response to Its burning. Islam and the Qur’an, on the other hand…
And here’s dingy Harry:
“Ten to 20 people have been killed,” Reid said on “Face the Nation,” but refused to say flat-out that the Senate would pass a resolution condemning pastor Terry Jones.
“We’ll take a look at this of course…as to whether we need hearings or not, I don’t know,” he added.
Hearings? Are they out of their fucking minds?
This just further illustrates that our Congressional heroes in D.C. have completely abandoned any precept of adherence to the Constitution of the United States. They have completely disregarded and discarded it as a quaint relic of the past, and now simply do, say, and legislate any damned thing they happen to feel at the moment.
I’m going on record right now — if Congress takes a single action against Pastor Jones, or any other American citizen, for burning a Qur’an — I’m going to buy as many of those unholy books as I can get my hands on and stage a very public burning in Reid and Graham’s honor.
Cold Fury adds:
Both of these miserable, cowardly worms can’t drop dead fast enough to suit me. They are worse than a disgrace to this nation and every living soul in it; they are a damning indictment of it, especially the deplorable fools who keep sending them back to Washington.
Bill Quick at Daily Pundit:
Reid, who hates America and her liberties, him I expect to act this way. But Graham likes to call himself a “conservative,” and then, out of that same mouth, say that America might need to “limit” the First Amendment to appease Muslim barbarian savages.
He’s even worse than Reid, because ignoramuses think that Graham actually loves his country and our freedoms, even though his words and actions demonstrate exactly the opposite.

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Graham: Those Engaged In Anti-Muslim Hate Speech Are ‘Putting Our Soldiers At Risk’

Today, Senate Majority Leader Dick Durbin (D-IL) convened a hearing on “Protecting the Civil Rights of American Muslims” — the “first of its kind for Congress.” A counterweight to House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Pete King’s (R-NY) anti-Muslim hearings earlier this month, Durbin’s hearing sought to counter increasing number of bigoted attacks like the Quran burnings, hate crimes, and restrictions on mosque construction by reinforcing “the Constitution’s ‘First Freedom’ — the freedom of religion.”
Ranking Member Lindsey Graham (R-SC) provided a counter-approach to many in his own party. Graham took the opportunity to declare “I will do my part as a Republican to let my party and anyone listening that I totally get it when it comes to religion.” After the Justice Department’s Assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez testified to the “steady stream of violence and discrimination” targeting Muslim, Sikh, and South Asians, Graham responded, “one case is too many.” He went further to admonish those who unleash hate speech against Muslims are “putting our soldiers at risk”:
GRAHAM: I guess my opinion about such matters is that one case is too many. You have an example in America where somebody is being abused because of their faith, I think all of us should join in and push back as the Bush administration did, as you’re doing. So that’s my baseline here — I don’t know what the numbers are but one for me is too many. And to those who have freedom of speech, it’s a gift given to you by a lot of people risking their own lives. So when you say things here at home or you do things here at home that create tension based on religious differences, particularly when its the Muslim community involved, your putting our soldiers at risk.
We have soldiers all over the world of a variety of religions fighting in the name of America trying to help moderate Muslims defeat radical Islam. And my view is that there are plenty of moderate Muslims out there who need our help and we should be helping because its better to fight the war over there than it is here. But at the end of the day, we’re all in this together….there are plenty of Muslims who wear our uniform and we need to understand that, again, we’re all in this together.

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