Monday, May 27, 2013

You need to see exactly what Muslim savage, Michael Adebolajo, did to British soldier Lee Rigby in broad daylight (WARNING: Graphic Images)

lippines_muslim_protest_mla102-viWhat is common to Daniel Perl, Nick Berg, a British soldier on London street, the Jews of Hebron in 1929 and the Fogel family in Itamar? They all were butchered – not simply stabbed to death – but killed by an act designed to decapitate them or to cause fatal bleeding by severing their carotid artery. And they were all slaughtered by Muslims.


The video below is NOT British soldier Lee Rigby, but the way in which the lifeblood was sucked out of him by Muslim jihadist, Michael Adebolago, in London is exactly what was done to these Russian soldiers by Chechen (like the Boston bombers) Muslims in Russia:

Frontpage Magazine (h/t Frederic F)  An endless list of Muslim girls and women can be added to them, those who were similarly slaughtered by their brothers, fathers or other relatives for “violating the family honor”. A question that arises automatically is where does this Moslem tendency to this kind of slaughter come from?

The answer is simple: Slaughter is a routine, widespread practice among many Muslim families. Many children see how their fathers slaughter sheep when celebrating an important event, and the whole family is present at the sacrificial slaughter during Eid al-Adha, the Festival of Sacrifice, when the slaughter is part of the holiday ritual.

Palestinians Celebrate Eid Al-Adha By Slaughtering Animals

In many Islamic societies, slaughter generally occurs at home, in front of the children, and is part of the routine of life. They are immunized against the sight of slaughter, are not moved by the blood dripping from the animal’s neck and are not frightened by its snorts and struggles.


In many cases, the children hold the legs of the lamb in order to immobilize it during slaughter; they sense very well its frantic reactions as the knife so painfully slices through its neck. The presence and participation of the children in the act of slaughter immunizes them emotionally against its influence; when they are older they perform the custom of sacrifice with their own hands and knives, and in front of their own children.


The emotional immunity to the act of slaughter allows a Muslim to utilize it whenever he feels he must employ radical methods to rid himself of someone. The slaughter of sheep during the Festival of Sacrifice is accompanied by the recitation of “In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful”, and the butchering of girls who do not behave properly is conducted as a kind of execution ceremony. The slaughterer feels that he is doing something important and worthy, acting in a way to which he is inured since early childhood.


In western societies, slaughter seems barbaric, while members of Moslem societies view it as proper and commendable when carried out within the proper context. Therefore, slaughtering a Jew, a Christian or anyone seen as an enemy is not considered unusual in traditional Islamic societies. This is what professional jargon calls “a cultural difference.”


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