Friday, April 26, 2013

Extreme Islam’s Infiltration of America

Extreme Islamic rally in Michigan.
Extreme Islamic rally in Michigan.
Extreme Islam’s Infiltration of America
Preface: Before venturing further into this article please be aware that some of the information may be offensive to some sensibilities. My personal view point on religion and belief systems is that each individual is entitled to their own as long as they do not inflict their beliefs onto others who may believe differently. Please keep in mind that those of the same religion may not be of the same faith.
I recently came across a blog ( hosted by a gentleman named David Wood who is making an effort to enlighten the American public about Islamic infiltration. After reading several of his opinions and viewing some of his video footage I believe that there should be some concern.
America was founded by individuals who united in order to provide a safe environment for people with distinct thoughts and beliefs to practice those theories and actions without persecution or condemnation. Our founders developed laws and guidelines that formed the basis of freedom and individual rights for the citizens of this country. They further enabled the growth and possibility for change within our borders. Knowing this and seeing what is being allowed to happen on American soil is frightening.
Issues of immigration aside, the United States has seen a tremendous expansion of Muslim populations in recent years. While I believe that the majority are peaceful and productive there are some who are extreme and fanatical. Unfortunately, the minority are the ones seeking to destroy from within. There is one U.S. city that has become a major player in the Islamic world and has provided proof to extremist factions that Americans are willing to overlook the danger until it is too late. Dearborn, Michigan now posses a greater number of foreign born Muslims than any other nationality including native born Americans; this has resulted in American laws and policies being disregarded in favor of Sharia laws.
When did it become mandatory that another country’s laws overshadowed American laws on American soil? As citizens of the United States we are entitled and granted by constitution inalienable rights that cannot and should not be compromised by policies defined outside our borders, but somehow we are losing our footing to those who believe that their way of life is the only way of life.
I am the first person to give anyone the benefit of the doubt and trust that they are decent and kind, regrettably my experience has taught me that people can also be sheep. An individual is intelligent and compassionate, a group that has become a collective mind is destructive and easily mislead. Muslims that draw on the less desirable portions of the Quran blindly without thought to the consequences cling together to justify their actions while establishing themselves in greater numbers throughout susceptible cities in the United States. By allowing this to happen under the guise of freedom of religion we are allowing the United States to be transformed into a Muslim country that will result in the policing of thoughts, speech, lifestyles, religion, sexuality, and countless other venues that we, as Americans, take for granted; a country where punishment will be quick and biased and often undeserving.
Extreme Islamic hope for the future.
Extreme Islamic hope for the future.
Source: World Muslim Congress
The presence of Muslims in the United States is not something new and recent. There have been Muslims in U.S. soil since the early 1920s with the first mosque being built in 1924. For decades there have been descendants of the original immigrant Muslims that have been both citizens and peaceful; they have been productive and have contributed to the diversity of America. These long lived families have not tried to change their neighbors or communities, but instead have been proud Americans and have acted accordingly. Through the years others like them have come to this country looking for something more than the restrictions issued by their originating countries; to these people, Bravo! However, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The opposite side of decades of peaceful cohabitation with Muslims is being destroyed by members of the same religion with fanatical views and unforgiving beliefs.
Police forces and political figures that reside in extreme Muslim communities are bowing to the will of Sharia law and pushing aside the laws and liberties of non-Muslims. They are choosing to overlook the rights of the people they swore to protect. By taking these actions, they are also telling Islamic communities that we will give way to their mandates without question and without fight.
The current weakness and dissension among ranks in our present government open the door wider allowing for the possibility of takeover while members of our government look the other way in denial pretending that if they deny it long enough it will go away. We, as a country, allowed people to cross our borders without restriction. We did not enforce our own laws and allowed interpretation of the laws to be skewed to suit the agenda. Now we have to deal with the consequences of turning the other cheek.
We cannot allow the corruption of Islam to infiltrate any further. Our history books have been changed to accommodate Muslim sensibilities. We a forbidden to present an opinion that opposes Islam at Muslim events. We are not allowed to question the Muslim religion without being seen as biased. We are commanded to ignore what we know to be right and true in favor of extreme Islamic demands. We are ordered to be quite and accepting of the insensitivity of Muslim actions.
Where will the final line be drawn? When will we state that the invasion stops here and goes no further? When will stand up and say “No More”? When will it be too late? Is it too late already?

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