Saturday, April 27, 2013

ethal Engagement: Barack Hussein Obama, 
The United Nations & Radical Islam
- by Joseph A. Klein

 Lethal Engagement by Joseph A. Klein: via @youtube
3-21-11 Joseph Klein on S.E. Cupp: via @youtube

“Lethal Engagement” a must read to understand the threat of Islam and Obama’s part in it

By Suzanne Eovaldi, staff writer
This is a special edition of Sundays with Suzanne
An unbelievable story is unfolding that is a glaring example of the liberal mind set both because of its naivete’ and its bubble mentality.  Joseph Klein’s outstanding new book “Lethal Engagement” is laying out the Islamic concept of deception called takiyya. Radical Islam is seeing Barack Obama fulfill his promise to fundamentally change our beloved America.  Klein outlines the real agenda of the Middle Eastern religious political ideology which is to wipe Israel off the face of the earth and to undermine and conquer the United States and Western civilization, and the brilliant author shows us how they’re doing it!          
Now just think of an administration, using all of the offices of its purview, appropriating the cash of struggling United States taxpayers, and ordering into our court system a civil rights lawsuit against a suburban Illinois school district that refused to allow a Muslim woman to take off  THREE WEEKS to make her hajj to Mecca, a journey she easily could reschedule when her students would NOT be disrupted.      While the selfish inanity of such a request is our Western mind set reaction, we have to understand the concept of Takiyya to wrap our minds around what these people are trying to do.  Takiyya is a deft, centuries old, crafty machination that says deception to advance the aims of Islam is okay, while our Western civilization mind set regards telling lies as deception, for sure.  
Mr. Klein, a Harvard trained lawyer and author, told me, “Radical  Islam is an ideology that sees the Muslim religion and system as supreme to any set of rules.  Sharia law commands Islam to be supreme over any other religion or legal system.”    Klein explained that their use of treaty negotiation is merely another manifestation of these ancient ways of dealing with the outsiders.
   Entering into treaty negotiations with Israel now begins a head fake to buy time for their victory “to wipe Israel off the map.” Such a phony “truce” is called a hudna.   Eric Holder’s lawsuit now appears in front of a different skein.  Radical Islamists are using words Americans like to hear, playing into the liberal Democrat’s guilt quotient, and using our legal system to topple us.  The Illinois teacher’s lawsuit really is about advancing legal precedent as former Justice Learned Hand’s 1920’s maneuver to decide by precedent, not by the United States Constitution.     
Commentators often cut to the chase as did one teacher who said, “The case is ridiculous.. .if I asked for such a long absence. . . I’d be laughed out of the office.”    Another commenter said in the Khan teacher’s defense, “The bottom line is whether she made a ‘reasonable’ request.  That’s up to a judge or jury to decide.”    Here legal scholars will pick up on the notion of the reasonable man argument.  Another brilliant commenter concluded with a quote from the Middle Eastern poet Nizar Qabbani: “The age of political reason has long departed.  So teach us madness.”  
Dear people, buy, read, think about Joseph A. Klein’s book, “Lethal Engagement: Barack Hussein Obama, The United Nations, and Radical Islam” at Tate Publishing Co.  
Order Lethal Engagement, by Joseph Klein at:  
 This day in history January 13
1863: Thomas Crapper pioneers one piece pedestal flushing toilet – now you know where the word came from!
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Welcome to the Web site of renowned author Joseph A. Klein.  In his new book, Lethal Engagement: Barack Hussein Obama, The United Nations & Radical Islam, author, prominent conservative blogger and United Nations correspondent Joseph Klein takes a critical look at President Obama's aggressive outreach to the Muslim world, Obama's willingness to negotiate with the theocratic Iranian regime without pre-conditions, his belief that the U.S. has a "moral responsibility" to lead the way towards a world without nuclear weapons even as Iran is busy developing its nuclear arms capability, and his submission to the will of the anti-Western United Nations.

Joseph Klein explains in Lethal Engagement how and why Obama is playing right into the Islamists’ stealth strategy to undermine American laws, financial systems and democratic values that get in the way of radical Islamic priorities. This strategy includes manipulating our own laws and institutions against us.

Here are just a few of the multiple examples Klein provides in Lethal Engagement - from President Obama's words and actions - that should wake Americans up to the dangerous path the Obama administration is taking us down:

·Providing detained Islamic terrorist suspects full constitutional rights.
·Refusing to identify the enemy as they truly are - Islamic radicals who want to impose sharia (Islamic law) on this country by violent and stealth means.
·Apologizing to the Muslim world for U.S. "arrogance" and Western "colonialism" while promising to make amends so that Islamists can practice their beliefs "as they see fit."
·Re-branding the barbaric supremacist Islamic ideology as a religion demonstrating "the possibilities of religious  tolerance and racial equality."

· Inviting radical Muslims such as the president of the radical Islamic Society of North America (an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land terrorist funding case) to Ramadan dinners at the White House.

· Joining the radical Islamic-dominated UN Human Rights Council which has successfully pushed forward the radical Muslim agenda to make 'defamation' of Islam a violation of international law.

· Nominating more Supreme Court justices who believe that international and foreign laws should be used to interpret the United States Constitution.

If you are tired of Islamists and their liberal elite supporters calling well-meaning American citizens 'bigots' or 'racists' for simply questioning what is behind the radical Islamic agenda and how President Obama is facilitating it, then you need to read Lethal Engagement: Barack Hussein Obama, The United Nations & Radical Islam. It will provide you with invaluable information gleaned from extensive, well-researched primary sources and from Klein's own pointed questioning of high level United Nations, Islamic and U.S. spokespersons at United Nations press briefings.
Nonie Darwish, the founder of Arabs For Israel, Director of Former Muslims United and author Now They Call Me Infidel: Why I Renounced Jihad for America, Israel and the War on Terror and Cruel and Usual Punishment: The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law, praises Lethal Engagement as a "timely book" that has "connected the dots."
Review by W.J. Rayment (Conservative Monitor) -- "In Joseph A. Klein's Lethal Engagement: Barack Hussein Obama, the United Nations & Radical Islam, we come to see clearly the role of the Obama administration in the advance of the radical Islamic agenda..." Read More...
"Lethal Engagement" a must read to understand the threat of Islam and Obama's part in it -says Coach Collins.  An unbelievable story is unfolding that is a glaring example of the liberal mind set both because of its naivete' and its bubble mentality. Joseph Klein's outstanding new book "Lethal Engagement" is laying out the Islamic concept of deception called takiyya. Radical Islam is seeing Barack Obama fulfill his promise to fundamentally change our beloved America...Read More...

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