Joe Biden on Gun Control: ‘Let Me Say This as Clearly as I Can, This Is Just the Beginning’

YORK, NY – MARCH 21: U.S. Vice President Joe Biden speaks in favor of
gun reform legislation at a press conference on March 21, 2013 in New
York City. The Vice President joined New York City Mayor Michael
Bloomberg and family members of Sandy Hook shooting victims at the city
hall event. Credit: Getty Images
WASHINGTON (TheBlaze/AP) — Vice
President Joe Biden said Wednesday the expected upcoming Senate votes on
gun control are only the beginning of the White House’s fight
strengthen gun laws.
During a conference call organized by
Mayors Against Illegal Guns, Biden assured supporters that the push gun
control would not end with the current proposed bill, saying, “Let me
say this as clearly as I can: this is just the beginning,” according to the Washington Times.
The fate of gun control legislation is
unclear. A vote on a Senate bill, including expanded background checks
and harsher penalties for gun trafficking, is expected next month.
The White House also has been pushing
for limits on so-called “assault weapons” and high-capacity magazines,
but those provisions won’t be part of the Senate bill. Instead they are
to be offered as amendments, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says
they don’t have enough support to pass.
“That doesn’t mean this is the end of
the process. This is the beginning of the process,” Biden reiterated
during the conference call.
Mayors Against Illegal Guns is the
anti-gun group co-chaired by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
Earlier this week, the group rolled out a multi-million dollar anti-gun
ad campaign aimed at pressuring lawmakers to support gun control.

YORK, NY – MARCH 21: Family members of Sandy Hook shooting victims
listen as New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg speaks out for gun
reform at a press conference on March 21, 2013 in New York City.
Bloomberg was joined by U.S. Vice President Joe Biden at the city hall
event. Credit: Getty Images
“The American people are way ahead of
their political leaders,” Biden argued. “And we, the president and I and
the mayors, intend to stay current with the American people.”
The conference call included thousands
of gun control supporters ahead of Thursday’s National Day to Demand
Action organized by the mayors group and other gun control proponents.
Organizers said more than 140 events were scheduled in 29 states, timed
to reach lawmakers while they are in their home districts on spring
President Barack Obama was planning an
event in the White House East Room with mothers who support gun
control, victims of violence and law enforcement officials.
Biden says his office is in touch with
congressional offices every day, making the case for the legislation in
the wake of the shooting at a Connecticut elementary school in December
that killed 20 students and six staff trying to keep the children safe.
“The courage that was demonstrated by
those teachers, we don’t expect the same amount of courage from our
elected officials,” Biden said. “But Lord’s sake, we do expect them to
have the courage to stand up and take responsible action to end this
senseless violence.”
Biden was optimistic for the fate of the background check provision.
“I think we’re on the verge of getting
a serious thorough universal background check system in place,” Biden
said. “And it will, emphasize it will, save lives.”
But the White House seems to be
acknowledging the assault weapons ban and limit on magazines are not
likely to make it. Biden mentioned it as well in the call, repeating
that it’s just the beginning for the issue for the White House. “We
believe that weapons of war have no place on our streets,” Biden said.
Obama spokesman Josh Earnest told
reporters Wednesday that after all the president has pushed for an
assault weapons ban, having a vote on an amendment represents progress.
“I can’t stand here and guarantee that
it’s going to pass, but it is a question that 100 senators are going to
ask themselves when they wake up in the morning and look themselves in
the mirror about whether or not they are going to – about which side
they’re going to be on when it comes to voting on a ban on
military-style assault weapons,” Earnest said. “And the president will
certainly continue to advocate for senators to support that ban.
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