Commandant Of Marine Corps: Sequestration Will Impact Marines Readiness In Long & Short Term

Amos testified before Congress last month and said that cuts of this magnitude, due to their timing and methodology, will significantly impact Marine Corps readiness, both short and long term.

Amos spoke of the “special role” the Marine Corps play in the protection of the United States and referred to them as “America’s Crisis Response Force” and the Nation’s “911 Force.” Hooah! Amos also stated, “We have a statutory responsibility to be the most ready when the Nation is least ready.”
The General then said that all would be done to “preserve the readiness of our Marines engaged in combat” and that they would continue “deploying units fully manned, trained and equipped.” Troops preparing to deploy will also have the “resources and training necessary for their next mission.”
However, this preparation will not come without sacrifices. In adjusting to the cuts from sequestration, Amos writes, “I am very concerned about the impact of such cutbacks on our active duty and reserve Marines, our civilian Marines, and our Marine families.”
He then encouraged Marines and their families writing:
“While we are working hard to balance our myriad requirements, I want each of you to know that keeping faith with you and your families is a top priority of mine – I consider this a sacred responsibility.”“We are already a lean and frugal Service, thus every reduction that we make from this point forward will cut into bone – we are beyond muscle,” Amos writes.
In closing General Amos exhorts Marines to keep their focus on the mission as they work their way through a future filled with uncertainties. He thanked the troops and their families for the sacrifices they make everyday on behalf of the Nation and the Corps.
Indeed, it is a shame that there is not more of a reduction in welfare programs and wasteful spending in the Federal government rather than cutting out defense spending. I have let it be known that I don’t think we should be involved in unconstitutional wars or empire and nation building. However, to continue to feed the beast of the welfare state which takes the money and lives off the blood, sweat and tears of others, using it for porn, strippers, alcohol and all sorts of other non-essentials, as men and women in our military sacrifice, just doesn’t seem right, does it?
The Sequestration Transparency Act of 2012 (STA) (P.L. 112-155) requires the President to submit to Congress a report on the potential sequestration triggered by the failure of the Joint Select Committee on De cit Reduction to propose, and Congress to enact, a plan to reduce the de cit by $1.2 trillion, as required by the Budget Control Act of 2011 (BCA). Here’s the report with the reductions laid out specifically, all 394 pages for fiscal year 2013.
While the cuts are, again, cuts to projected spending, remember that in the end our debt will continue to increase by another $2.6 trillion over the next ten years and do you know who we have to thank for that? That’s right, Barack Obama, because he is the mastermind behind sequestration and the biggest part of spending by the Federal government over the next ten years and beyond will be due to the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.
UPDATE: Marine Corps Commandant James Amos declares “Save Every Round, Every Gallon of Gas”
Full video:
General Amos Warns His Marines: 'Save Every Round, Every Gallon of Gas': via @youtube
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