Thursday, February 28, 2013

MUST READ: Jarrett’s Warning Reveals Itself (WSI Related)

MUST READ: Jarrett’s Warning Reveals Itself (WSI Related)

Given the recent news of media figures being threatened by figures within the Obama White House, I thought it wise to revisit that dire warning allegedly spoken by Senior White House Adviser (and de-facto President) Valerie Jarrett just days before the November Election…

( “After we win this election, it’s our turn.  Payback time.” )
Excerpt from story originally published November 1st, 2012:
“…The part that really stuck out to me was when I overheard the rep say that Jarrett told them, “After we win this election, it’s our turn.  Payback time.  Everyone not with us is against us and they better be ready because we don’t forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to pay.  Congress won’t be a problem for us this time. No election to worry about after this is over and we have two judges ready to go.”  She was talking directly to about three of them.  Sr. staff.  And she wasn’t trying to be quiet about it at all.  And they were all listening and shaking their heads and smiling while she said it.  Pretty creepy.
Why are they so confident about winning next week?  We aren’t getting any numbers in the office that has any of us knowing Obama will win.  It will be close.  Jarrett and her people seem so confident.  Why is that?  Do you have any information on why she is so confident?  I’m worried.  Benghazi was supposed to play big this weekend.  That is what everybody here was bracing for last week.  You could really tell the staffers were freaking out.   Now nobody is talking about it.  Like it was never a concern.  Like it never even happened. Don’t you have people to help with that?  What happened?  You said it was going to be a game changer.  I told some others it would be and now I’m kind of hanging out there.   Not the only one around here who got a real bad vibe after the Alex thing.  Help!  Need some good news after today!”   LINK
Given the increasing talk of threats coming out of the Obama White House, it seems clear Valerie Jarrett’s post-election threats are sadly, coming true.  Here is the headline on Drudge today:
WHITE HOUSE THREATENS WOODWARD: 'YOU WILL REGRET DOING THIS'... Watergate reporter blasts Obama 'madness'... 'It makes me very uncomfortable'... POLITICO: Exclusive Details... Left ramps up campaign to discredit... Will Washington Stand Up for Woodward? Plouffe: He's getting old...
I am also reminded of the assurance Jarrett showed days before the election when many in the media were indicating it was to be very-very close, and Barack Obama was in serious danger of losing.  There was absolutely no concern of that to be found by Valerie Jarrett.
There is also the reference to Benghazi – I assume the press conference by three Senators that was supposed to play out PRIOR to the election – but was then pushed back until AFTER the election.  Those who follow WHI know well their feelings over that situation.
The reference to “the Alex thing” was the death of an Obama campaign staffer – in Chicago. He was a young man who simply…dropped dead.
One last thing that also jumped out here – Valerie Jarrett’s declaration that “Congress won’t be a problem for us”.  Just yesterday I read a story where Congressional Republicans were considering handing over budget authority to Barack Obama to deal with the sequestration issue.  That one sent a bit of a chill up my spine.
As is so often the case, previous Insider updates reveal their truths in the weeks and months that follow…

White House Insider: 2014
Cover for 'White House Insider: 2014'
“Well let’s just cut to the chase then. I don’t care what some of you think on any of that, and I don’t care how much Mr. Ulsterman wants to keep on defending y’all, even the ones who I figure are downright indefensible. Or is that undefensible? Hell if I know. I’ll let Mr. Ulsterman sort that out himself. He’s capable enough.
Now what I do care about, and I care about it a lot, is what I’m seeing go down in D.C. right now. This whole sequestration bullshit is basic distraction politics and it’s got the Obama White House feeling like a dead pig in the sunshine. That’s to say they are feeling downright good about it. Comfortable. Real comfortable. Now why’s that you say? Or maybe you don’t say because you’ve had your fool head shoved so far up your midnight madness for so long you ain’t had a breath of good countrified air for years.” -WHI

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