Tuesday, January 21, 2014

SHOCK: FBI, DHS Were Warned About Boston Terrorist SIX MONTHS Ago – And Failed to Act

SHOCK: FBI, DHS Were Warned About Boston Terrorist SIX MONTHS Ago – And Failed to Act

The failure  of the Obama Administration’s security services to properly investigate jihadist threats, despite clear prior warnings – as with the Ft. Hood massacre and now the Boston attacks – continues to be exposed.
As we reported on April 19, the FBI was warned by a “foreign government” – reportedly Russia – that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a “follower of radical Islam” with a potential for “terrorist activities”. The FBI personally interviewed him, and then cleared him. As we reported, the FBI initially denied that they had investigated Tsarnaev – until an interview with his mother on Russian TV exposed their denial as a farce.
In addition we reported how Tsarnaev, a Chechen “refugee”, had been arrested for domestic assault in 2009 – a violent incident that caused the DHS to deny his application for citizenship (which his younger brother obtained). We reported how DHS failed to deport Tamerlan Tsarnaev for his assault, as U.S. immigration law allowed.
Now today, it gets even worse, as NBC News has reported that Russian security services just six months ago – in November 2012 – again warned the FBI about Tsarnaev after his 6-month trip to Dagestan.
This stunning news details that the FBI was warned after Tsarnaev was seen meeting – six times – with a person involved in militant Islamic underground movement in Dagestan. This Islamist leader, Gadzhimurad Dolgatov (who also went by the name Amir Abu Dujana) was killed after a fierce gunbattle with Russian security forces in Dagastan in December 2012
The visit “would lead one to believe that that’s probably where he got that final radicalization to push him to commit acts of violence and where he may have received training” in terrorist techniques, U.S. House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Mike Rogers told NBC.
Tsarnaev also was discovered to have posted videos featuring Dolgatov on his YouTube account. (see screenshots below)
As in 2011 – once again the FBI took no action, but unlike in 2011, did not even get back to the Russian security services with an updated report on Tsarnaev.
He apparently just dropped off their radar screen – until last week in Boston, of course.
But that was not the only clue to U.S. security services that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a poitential threat, according to the UK’s DailyMail
Security sources have also said that that officials at the Department of Homeland Security became interested in Tamerlan in 2012, after he spent seven months in Russia, from January to July. A DHS source suggested to MailOnline that Tamerlan was on the radar of agents in Boston after he returned to the U.S. Federal law enforcement officials reportedly received tips in 2012 expressing concern over radical, anti-American Muslims at a mosque in Boston, the source said.
So what happened? Here we have a non-citizen “asylum” seeker, with a prior record of domestic violence, who had been denied citizenship, who had been named – twice by a foreign security service as a potential terrorist, and who traveled back to the very region that he and his family had supposedly “fled” from as “refugees” years earlier, and which is a hotbed of radical Islamic activity.
In addition, not only was he witnessed being in the company of a terrorist overseas, but also been suspected of “radical” activity at a mosque in Boston.
And the FBI and DHS did absolutely nothing? No further surveilance? No detention or deportation? Why did they even let him back into the country after 6 months in Dagestan? And how could the FBI who investigated Tsarnaev – twice – and interviewed him face-to-face on at least 3 occasions, not be able to recognize his face from surveillance video for 4 days after the Boston Marathon bombings – even with billion dollar facial recognition software – and released his photo to the public instead of staking out and detaining him?
We may hear logical explanations for all this in the next weeks and months, but we highly doubt any stories can justify this massive intelligence failure that permitted the Boston attacks to go ahead unimpeded.
But looking ahead, and knowing that the ‘Gang of Eight’ immigration amnesty bill before the Senate right now will permit MORE anylum visas from terror-sponsoring nations like Chechnya, Dagestan, Libya, Syria and elsewhere, how on Earth can we trust the FBI and DHS to protect us from any potential Muslim jihadists among them?
We can’t. Which is why the ‘Gang of 8′ bill must be scrapped, we must SHUT DOWN the issuance of foreign visas, and Congress must fully investigate this case, and the entire visa system to make sure it is completely safe before putting Americans in harm’s way again.

If YOU stand with Gov. Brewer and Sheriff Joe and against illegal immigration and want to see the border secured, the rule of law upheld and amnesty for illegals stopped, then put your name where your heart is, and join the 170,000 who have signed the petition…

About John Hill

John Hill is the Executive Director of Stand With Arizona, one of the nation's largest organizations opposing illegal immigration and amnesty. SWA's members have been instrumental in passing legislation in states and counties around the U.S., and blocking the DREAM Act in 2010. Join us!

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