Thursday, April 30, 2015

dark matter

What is "dark matter"?

Actually, no one really knows! What we do know (from astronomical observations) is that there is a lot of dark matter around - perhaps 90% or more of the material in the universe. We can't see it, but we know it's there from the gravitational force it exerts. Neutrinos may make up part of the dark matter, but another possibility is very heavy (so-far undiscovered) particles nicknamed "WIMPs" (Weakly-Interacting Massive Particles). CDMS II searches for WIMPs that may have been produced shortly after the,"Big Bang," the cataclysmic explosion that formed the universe some 15 billion years ago.

What is a neutrino?

A neutrino is a tiny particle similar to an electron but without its electric charge. Neutrinos are produced by natural radioactive decay and inside the sun and other stars. They don't interact very often with normal matter, but MINOS can still teach us how they behave, and how important they are to the rest of the universe

Capitol Prayer Service: God Will Punish America For Legalizing Gay Marriage

Capitol Prayer Service: God Will Punish America For Legalizing Gay Marriage

Last night, dozens of members of Congress gathered with Religious Right activists in the U.S. Capitol's Statuary Hall  for the annual "Washington: A Man of Prayer" event, a two-hour prayer service meant to honor the anniversary of George Washington's first presidential inauguration.
Most of the members of Congress who participated this year prayed for God's guidance as they carry out their duties as elected officials and for His protection over America, while some offered more pointed prayers, such as Rep. Joe Pitts, who lamented that we have become "spiritual and moral dwarfs," Rep. Doug  LaMalfa, who worried about the "seemingly godless times" in which this nation finds itself as the Supreme Court prepares to rule on marriage equality, and Rep. Bill Flores, who complained that "we are truly a troubled nation" in which Christians are being ridiculed and persecuted for defending the family and their faith:
End Times rabbi Jonathan Cahn spoke near the end of the prayer service and specifically warned the Supreme Court that it would bring God's judgment upon this nation if it strikes down state marriage bans.
"The Supreme Court opens its sessions with the words 'God save the United States and this honorable court,'" Cahn declared. "But if this honorable court should overrule the word of God and strike down the eternal rules of order that Heaven itself hath ordained, how then will God save it? Supreme Court justices, can you judge the ways of God? Can you, with man-made verdicts, overrule the eternal laws of God? There is another court and there is another judge and before him, all men and all judges will give account. If the nation's high court should pass judgement on the Almighty, should you then be surprised that the Almighty should then pass judgment on the court and that nation?"

Closed Walmarts To Be Guerilla Warfare Staging Areas In Response To Invasio

Closed Walmarts To Be Guerilla Warfare Staging Areas In Response To Invasion

Thursday, April 30, 2015 6:36
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There can be no doubt that the  internal events at Walmart holds the key to the end game of Jade Helm operations.
walmart high cost of low priceJade Helm and Walmart are inextricably linked and the existing evidence suggests one of two possible end game probabilities for Jade Helm.
1. Converted Walmart stores will be processing center for FEMA camp political prisoners.
2. Some Walmarts will be used as supply and staging centers for an internal conflict within the United States

In the past four weeks, I have watched over 100 videos on Jade Helm and Walmart. I have performed what researchers call a qualitative, or a descriptive analysis of the available facts.
In performing this task, I have looked for patterns among the recent Walmart closings because it is clear that the closings coincide with Jade Helm.
This constitutes Phase One of the analysis.
In Phase Two, the findings from phase one are correlated to known or strongly suspected events connected  to Jade Helm and/or other areas of concern related to national security.
Subsequently, this kind of descriptive analysis can yield strong clues as to the true intent of where Jade Helm is headed and what the Walmart role consists of in conjunction with Jade Helm.

Phase One: Common Characteristics of Walmart Closings

A series of representative videos are analyzed for commonalities which might reveal intent and purpose of the connection of Jade Helm and the Walmart closings.

The Local Media Discredits the Official Plumbing Excuse

You have heard the stories everywhere that Walmart is closing stores because of bad plumbing.  What are the odds that ALL of these store would have plumbing issues. It is not really plumbing issues at all that have led to these store closures. We already knew that. The real reason is perhaps more sinister because even the local media is not buying the Walmart plumbing excuse.

Closed Walmart: Brandon, Florida

This very amateurish report reveals a very consistent trend in that is reocurring in the closed Walmarts in that concealment is the rule of thumb when it comes to these stores. Since when is it necessary to conceal plumbing operations from the public? In the following video, please note the containers which are being used to block the rear entrance of the store. This too, is becoming a consistent them among closed Walmarts.

Roxboro, NC and Their Closed Walmart

In an email sent to both Steve Quayle and myself, we see the same pattern of using shipping containers as a means of concealment with regard to what is going on inside a closed Walmart.
walmart nc 2
Dave and Steve,
My mother just sent me these pictures of the parking lot of her local Walmart SuperCenter in Roxboro, NC.
Two things are new:
1. notice the newly cutout square in the parking lot replaced with new asphalt and with a new grate of some sort over it
walmart nc 2
2. notice all the shipping containers that were just recently put there
walmart nc 3
I do not know what this may mean, but I thought I’d share it with you guys.
Jonathan O’Quinn
Greenville NC

The Hughes Exclusive Footage Inside Closed Peco Rivera Walmart As Cops Guard Dock and Entrances

Stephanie Hughes  filmed this  exclusive footage at the now closed Pico Rivera California Walmart Location. The store recently closed for highly suspicious reasons and, again,  it certainly was not due to plumbing. Walmart had never contacted the local County to get permits for the plumbing work. Officials connected to the Walmart closing have now covered the windows with black tarp in another of set concealment activities that we are witnessing around the country.
In another disturbing trend,  this Walmart is surrounded with cops. Since when are cops needed to protect plumbers performing repairs? Also, as you can see from the video, officials have built a wall up inside of the store so no one can see whats going on past the Pharmacy area which is still open to the public in yet, another, act of concealment.
PLUMBING? REALLY?  Again, we see a multitude of cops at the receiving dock at the back of the store. What are they protecting, or better yet, hiding from the public?

Walmart Closing: Jade Helm Las Vegas

Of all the multitude of videos that I have reviewed, this video contain the most disturbing material and perhaps provides the best clues as to what is the real objective lie behind the closing the Walmarts.
First, I feel compelled to offer a warning related to bad language with regard to the following video. However, I felt the evidentary value of the video outweights the banning of the video because of reptitive foul language.
The most stunning piece of evidence offered in the following video is the tearing up of the Walmart flooring and replacing parts of the Walmart flooring with very thick cement floors. This speaks to the need to have a reinforced floor in order to host very heavy military equipment.
Another striking feature of this Walmart is that it is being allowed to stay open, in part, while product disappears from the shelves. There does not appear to the typical “Just in Time” deliveries going on inside this Las Vegas Walmart.  Another curious feature in the video is the absolute stripping of the walls of any related Walmart advertising and other signs. The empy walls are very telling as it is obvious that this Walmart is showing clear signs of being closed as product is being emptied.
On the outside of the building, the main electric Walmart sign has been taken down. Additionally, there are cameras all across the roof area of the store. What we are seeing here is the  conversion of a Walmart store while the store is being kept open.

Phase One Analysis

In several videos I have examined, there are very consistent patterns which are present in this presentation. First, the closures are unlike any other store closures that I have witnessed in that extreme concealment of internal Walmart activities is the absolute and undeniable commonality in all of the store closures. In the past, when I have witnessed this level of concealment and secrecy, the intent being concealed is normally quite  evil in its manifestations.
Another striking element related to the Walmart closures has to do with blockading the rear of each store. This indicates to me the need to temporary fortify the rear entrance so as to prevent incursions. I would expect that large and reinforced steel doors will replace these temporary barricades.
In all the store closures that I have seen, I have never witnessed this kind of police presence associated with an allegedly temporary closing for plumbing reasons. Since when do police find it necessary to guard plumbers?
It is also quite clear that Jade Helm is contracting with local law enforcement to provide security and to keep the curious away in an effort to maintain some kind of secret. Why use the police? Because the police would  fit in better to the local landscape and will arouse less suspicion from the public than if military personnel were to be used.
In the final analysis, it is clear that the Walmart stores are being retrofitted for military purposes.

 Phase Two Analysis

 In one of the most stunning revelations made in the entire Jade Helm fiasco is the revelation by Judical Watch of the existence of an ISIS camp a mere 8 miles from El Paso, Texas. Further, the anonymous letter I received from a Texas Ranger seems to confirm that local law enforcement is bracing for an ISIS incursion. In previous articles, I have revealed how the Pantex nuclear plant is a target of concern and previous articles proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the existence of SAM missiles 45 miles southeast of Lubbock, TX.
Clearly, and as I have repeatedly pointed out, Texas is preparing to be invaded by hostile forces and ISIS and their allies. This Sunday evening, on The Common Sense Show,  I am hosting an officer from Special Operations Forces , Scott Bennett, who says that the U.S. government is sponsoring ISIS. The following email I received last night parallels the Bennett account of the origin of ISIS.
Dave- I read most of your daily articles.   In this Texas ranger article your talking about ISIS and Texas.  I have a source in governmemnt that has for a long time now told me- ISIS is part of our CIA and DHS. No doubt in my mind they are going to create a false-flag event to bring in mnartial law.
It is most important to realize that this is our fascist government beginning the overthrow of our country!  These bastards are now in charge of all important dept’ government.  It will be up to men like the Ranger here in this note, who will do the right thing and stand for his oath to our Constitution- Obama’s gang have already broken this pledge!…
Allen Hall

The Role of Walmart in the Coming Texas Incursion

Both the Allen Hall and the Scott Bennett accounts speak directly and indirectly to the fact that ISIS will be employed to carry out a false flag event(s) on American soil, hence, the preparations we are seeing in Texas for such an event. These preparations taken an interesting twist when we consider that former Petty Officer, James Miles, says about his specific Walmart training in the following email he sent to me last night.
Good evening Mr Hodges,
  My name is James Miles, Former 2nd class Petty officer United States Navy.
     I am only slightly familiar with your show. However, I am part of a Facebook group Jade Helm Discussion. We are having a conversation about the Wal Mart closings and someone suggested I contact you about my personal experience in this sort of thing. From 2001-2005 I was stationed at Tinker A.F.B. as part of strat-comm. The VQ-4 squadron. Our aircraft was an E6-b/c Mercury 707 Platform. Our job was to conduct the looking glass as well as a myriad of other missions. It was a way of ensuring a survivable form or control over the nations nuclear forces.
     The reason all of this is relevant is because the parts of the squadron that were not aircrew were divided into what we called “tiger” teams. The mission would be to leave out for various parts of the country. Usually within 50-100 miles of an airstrip that could handle a 707 type aircraft. We would then recon, acquire and maintain our aircraft. When we were not at an airfield we would be at a secure location that would contain everything we needed for long term survival. This would usually be a Wal Mart that would have been taken by us. Plenty of food, medical supplies, clothes, bedding small arms and ammunition, even basic vehicle repair. It was to be the perfect command post to blend in with the population. Easily guarded. Especially in an emergency situation. The public would think we were security for the store even though we were there for an entirely different purpose.
     It is my contention that given the geographic locations of these stores, that we may indeed be looking at that. Command centers. I also am concerned because when we did our exercises, we never actually took over and shut down any Wal Mart. I do believe this may be a real world event unfolding. It is important to get correct information to those who can help. Logic tells me, that these are not being used as mass detention centers, Although, you could set temporary cells. Please be carefulwith any info you recieve, or release. Many peoples lives may depend on it.
Thank you and God bless
 It is clear that Petty Officer Miles is speaking about the creation an maintenance of a covert and preplanned covert guerrilla warfare force which would be secretly prepositioned in an area that would likely be overrun by an invading force. The term, Viet Cong, kept going off in my head as read the Miles email. What Petty Officer Miles is stating stronly matches the original Jade Helm “Master the Human Domain” documents. The documents talk about the insertion of stealth forces based upon the use of “infiltration techniques”. It is here that we are seeing the revelation of a third Jade Helm operational goal, the creation of a guerrilla warfare response team in a soon-to-be endangered area. The first two purposes of Jade Helm is dissident extraction (i.e. Ft. Lauderdale extraction drills) and martial law (i.e. the use of the 82 Airborne and various National Guard Units to carry out the geographic isolation of troubled areas.
ISIS made their presence known in Ferguson. What did Eric Holder know that we are just figuring out? ISIS made their presence known in Ferguson. What did Eric Holder know that we are just figuring out?
It has been alleged that agent provocateurs, from the Eric Holder run Justice Department, are behind the sharp increase in violence involving racial issues in Ferguson (twice), New York City and now in Baltimore. The fermenting of these riots provides the conditions needed to practice the implementation of martial law.
<a href="" ><img src="" border="0" alt=""></a>
The aforementioned statement is bolstered by the  following video which comes from an original Pravda report which states that this summer,  the American military and the National Guard will be training to quell any civil unrest within the United States. The following report matches the intelligence I am receiving from multiple sources.


When I called for Texans to be prepared to be invaded, that call seems to be right on the money. I fully expect these closed Walmarts to once again, be open to the public once the needed changes are made to be “guerrilla force” friendly. These events would suggest that nothing nefarious will happen for six months, the length of the closing of the Walmarts, although that cannot be guaranteed.

Finally, I would like like the readers to pause and consider how bad things could get in the Southwest. If the U.S. military has to prepare its soldiers to conduct guerrilla warfare training, while using Walmart as a covert base of operation on American soil, it speaks to the fact that the coming ISIS incursions are going to be dramatic. DUE TO THE FACT THAT CLOSED WALMARTS STRETCH ACROSS MUCH OF THE SOUTHERN U.S., SPEAKS TO HOW WIDESPREAD THE FOLLOWING ATTACKS ARE GOING TO BE IN THIS ISIS VERSION OF THE TET OFFENSIVE.
Finally, the Russians are speaking about an end game that nobody is talking about and that will be the topic of the next article in this series

H.R.1422 - EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act of 2014113th Congress (2013-2014)

H.R.1422 - EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act of 2014113th Congress (2013-2014)


Sponsor: Rep. Stewart, Chris [R-UT-2] (Introduced 04/09/2013)
Committees: House - Science, Space, and Technology | Senate - Environment and Public Works
Committee Reports: H. Rept. 113-165
Latest Action: 11/19/2014 Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.
Major Recorded Votes: 11/18/2014 : Passed House


This bill has the status Passed House
Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:
  1. Introduced
  2. Passed House

Subject — Policy Area:

Text: H.R.1422 — 113th Congress (2013-2014)All Bill Information (Except Text)

Bill text available as:

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Referred in Senate (11/19/2014)

2d Session

H. R. 1422

November 19, 2014
Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works

To amend the Environmental Research, Development, and Demonstration Authorization Act of 1978 to provide for Scientific Advisory Board member qualifications, public participation, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
SECTION 1. Short title.
This Act may be cited as the “EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act of 2014”.
SEC. 2. Science Advisory Board.
(a) Independent advice.—Section 8(a) of the Environmental Research, Development, and Demonstration Authorization Act of 1978 (42 U.S.C. 4365(a)) is amended by inserting “independently” after “Advisory Board which shall”.
(b) Membership.—Section 8(b) of the Environmental Research, Development, and Demonstration Authorization Act of 1978 (42 U.S.C. 4365(b)) is amended to read as follows:
“(b)(1) The Board shall be composed of at least nine members, one of whom shall be designated Chairman, and shall meet at such times and places as may be designated by the Chairman.
“(2) Each member of the Board shall be qualified by education, training, and experience to evaluate scientific and technical information on matters referred to the Board under this section. The Administrator shall ensure that—
“(A) the scientific and technical points of view represented on and the functions to be performed by the Board are fairly balanced among the members of the Board;
“(B) at least ten percent of the membership of the Board are from State, local, or tribal governments;
“(C) persons with substantial and relevant expertise are not excluded from the Board due to affiliation with or representation of entities that may have a potential interest in the Board’s advisory activities, so long as that interest is fully disclosed to the Administrator and the public and appointment to the Board complies with section 208 of title 18, United States Code;
“(D) in the case of a Board advisory activity on a particular matter involving a specific party, no Board member having an interest in the specific party shall participate in that activity;
“(E) Board members may not participate in advisory activities that directly or indirectly involve review or evaluation of their own work;
“(F) Board members shall be designated as special Government employees; and
“(G) no federally registered lobbyist is appointed to the Board.
“(3) The Administrator shall—
“(A) solicit public nominations for the Board by publishing a notification in the Federal Register;
“(B) solicit nominations from relevant Federal agencies, including the Departments of Agriculture, Defense, Energy, the Interior, and Health and Human Services;
“(C) make public the list of nominees, including the identity of the entities that nominated each, and shall accept public comment on the nominees;
“(D) require that, upon their provisional nomination, nominees shall file a written report disclosing financial relationships and interests, including Environmental Protection Agency grants, contracts, cooperative agreements, or other financial assistance, that are relevant to the Board’s advisory activities for the three-year period prior to the date of their nomination, and relevant professional activities and public statements for the five-year period prior to the date of their nomination; and
“(E) make such reports public, with the exception of specific dollar amounts, for each member of the Board upon such member’s selection.
“(4) Disclosure of relevant professional activities under paragraph (3)(D) shall include all representational work, expert testimony, and contract work as well as identifying the party for which the work was done.
“(5) Except when specifically prohibited by law, the Agency shall make all conflict of interest waivers granted to members of the Board, member committees, or investigative panels publicly available.
“(6) Any recusal agreement made by a member of the Board, a member committee, or an investigative panel, or any recusal known to the Agency that occurs during the course of a meeting or other work of the Board, member committee, or investigative panel shall promptly be made public by the Administrator.
“(7) The terms of the members of the Board shall be three years and shall be staggered so that the terms of no more than one-third of the total membership of the Board shall expire within a single fiscal year. No member shall serve more than two terms over a ten-year period.”.
(c) Record.—Section 8(c) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 4365(c)) is amended—
(1) in paragraph (1)—
(A) by inserting “or draft risk or hazard assessment,” after “at the time any proposed”;
(B) by striking “formal”; and
(C) by inserting “or draft risk or hazard assessment,” after “to the Board such proposed”; and
(2) in paragraph (2)—
(A) by inserting “or draft risk or hazard assessment,” after “the scientific and technical basis of the proposed”; and
(B) by adding at the end the following: “The Board’s advice and comments, including dissenting views of Board members, and the response of the Administrator shall be included in the record with respect to any proposed risk or hazard assessment, criteria document, standard, limitation, or regulation and published in the Federal Register.”.
(d) Member committees and investigative panels.—Section 8(e)(1)(A) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 4365(e)(1)(A)) is amended by adding at the end the following: “These member committees and investigative panels—
“(i) shall be constituted and operate in accordance with the provisions set forth in paragraphs (2) and (3) of subsection (b), in subsection (h), and in subsection (i);
“(ii) do not have authority to make decisions on behalf of the Board; and
“(iii) may not report directly to the Environmental Protection Agency.”.
(e) Public participation.—Section 8 of such Act (42 U.S.C. 4365) is amended by amending subsection (h) to read as follows:
“(h)(1) To facilitate public participation in the advisory activities of the Board, the Administrator and the Board shall make public all reports and relevant scientific information and shall provide materials to the public at the same time as received by members of the Board.
“(2) Prior to conducting major advisory activities, the Board shall hold a public information-gathering session to discuss the state of the science related to the advisory activity.
“(3) Prior to convening a member committee or investigative panel under subsection (e) or requesting scientific advice from the Board, the Administrator shall accept, consider, and address public comments on questions to be asked of the Board. The Board, member committees, and investigative panels shall accept, consider, and address public comments on such questions and shall not accept a question that unduly narrows the scope of an advisory activity.
“(4) The Administrator and the Board shall encourage public comments, including oral comments and discussion during the proceedings, that shall not be limited by an insufficient or arbitrary time restriction. Public comments shall be provided to the Board when received. The Board’s reports shall include written responses to significant comments offered by members of the public to the Board.
“(5) Following Board meetings, the public shall be given 15 calendar days to provide additional comments for consideration by the Board.”.
(f) Operations.—Section 8 of such Act (42 U.S.C. 4365) is further amended by amending subsection (i) to read as follows:
“(i)(1) In carrying out its advisory activities, the Board shall strive to avoid making policy determinations or recommendations, and, in the event the Board feels compelled to offer policy advice, shall explicitly distinguish between scientific determinations and policy advice.
“(2) The Board shall clearly communicate uncertainties associated with the scientific advice provided to the Administrator or Congress.
“(3) The Board shall ensure that advice and comments reflect the views of the members and shall encourage dissenting members to make their views known to the public, the Administrator, and Congress.
“(4) The Board shall conduct periodic reviews to ensure that its advisory activities are addressing the most important scientific issues affecting the Environmental Protection Agency.
“(5) The Board shall be fully and timely responsive to Congress.”.
SEC. 3. Relation to the Federal Advisory Committee Act.
Nothing in this Act or the amendments made by this Act shall be construed as supplanting the requirements of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.).
SEC. 4. Relation to the Ethics in Government Act of 1978.
Nothing in this Act or the amendments made by this Act shall be construed as supplanting the requirements of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.).
Passed the House of Representatives November 18, 2014.
Attest: karen l. haas,   


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Governor Abbott Commands State Guard to Monitor Jade Helm 15 Operation

Governor Abbott Commands State Guard to Monitor Jade Helm 15 Operation

Image from
Image from

Governor Abbott is putting his citizens' rights first by commanding General Betty keep Texans properly informed during an upcoming military exercise.

The United States Army says that United States Military Operation Jade Helm 15 is designed to train special forces units such as the Army's Green Berets, Air Force and Marine Special Operations Commands, Marine Expeditionary Units, and the 82nd Airborne Division. 

It will take place in various locations across the State of Texas including the Big Country's own town of Big Springs from July - September of 2015. 

Citizens have been raising concerns since preliminary operation plans came to light, and Governor Greg Abbott is making it his mission to quell these fears the best he can. 

He penned this letter to Commander of the Texas State Guard Major General Gerald "Jake" Betty urging him to monitor all aspects of the operation in the interest of keeping his public informed. Governor Abbott wants to make it clear to Texans that their "safety, constitutional rights, private property rights, and civil liberties will not be infringed".

State Guard monitoring would make information like military personnel movements and training exercise schedules public knowledge. 

Abbott ends his letter by highlighting "Texas' long history of supporting our military forces and our proud tradition of training, deploying, and supporting our active-duty troops and return veterans." 

More information on Jade Helm 15 from the United States Army.

Federal Government Ordered to Explain Why it Needs a Cell Phone Kill Switch

Federal Government Ordered to Explain Why it Needs a Cell Phone Kill Switch

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Monday [April 27] is the court-ordered deadline for the government to explain a secretive policy that allows it to use a “kill switch” on cell phone service among the population. The policy, adopted by the Department of Homeland Security in 2005, is called Standard Operating Procedure 303 and allows
“…for the orderly shut-down and restoration of wireless services during critical emergencies such as the threat of radio-activated improvised explosive devices.”
It allows the government to cut service “within a localized area, such as a tunnel or bridge, and within an entire metropolitan area.” The policy comes with a murky, questionable history.
The implementation of the policy was a reaction to the 2005 London subway bombing and was deemed necessary for national security. In 2005, all cell service in New York’s Hudson Tunnel was cut off for two weeks—a move that by the DHS’s own admission created
“disorder for both Government and the private sector at a time when use of the communications infrastructure was most needed.”
Due to the secrecy surrounding the policy, there is no concrete documentation to suggest that SOP 303 has been used to cut cell service. In 2011, however, all cell phone communication was cut on San Francisco’s BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit). This was done to disrupt a protest against a violent police officer who killed a homeless man. That same year, the White House claimed that the government had the right to
“control private communications systems in the United States during times of war or other national emergencies.”
In an effort to learn more about the justification for the BART shut down, the Electronic Privacy Information Center filed a FOIA request with DHS in July of 2012. DHS claimed it could not find any relevant documentation, leading EPIC to file a FOIA lawsuit. A lower federal court found the agency insufficiently complied with the request. By February of 2015, however, a higher court sided with a DHS appeal and ruled that
“the [DHS] permissibly withheld much, if not all of SOP 303, because its release…could reasonably be expected to endanger individuals’ lives or physical safety . . . .”
In spite of the federal government’s aggressive attempts to keep this information secret, EPIC filed a request last month for the court to revisit its decision, arguing that “if left in place, [it] would create an untethered ‘national security’ exemption.” This time, the court gave the government until this Monday, April 27, to explain the details of its policy, including under what conditions it may be implemented.
Alan Butler, a lawyer for EPIC, explained plainly that,
“We’re not asking for detailed information about how [SOP 303] works … but about the rationale and the policy guidelines.”
The push toward a “kill switch” has been building for years (and predates cell phones and the Internet). In July of 2012, Obama signed an Executive Order that “granted the authority to seize private facilities when necessary, effectively shutting down or limiting civilian communications.” In 2010, a Senate Subcommittee on “Homeland Security” approved a kill-switch for the Internet and in 2014, the House of Representatives introduced a cell phone kill switch bill in the name of preventing smartphone theft. In August of that same year, California Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill requiring all smart phones made after July 2015 to have a built in kill switch. The bill has been criticized for granting dangerous power to both law enforcement and hackers.
The use of a kill switch has also been lambasted for what some view as an inability to prevent terrorist attacks. In fact, previous terror attacks have relied not on cellular communication, but merely on an alarm clock built into a phone—which would be unaffected by the use of a kill switch.
The dangers of granting such broad authority to government seem not only abundant, but obvious. As seen in the 2011 BART instance, the state is more than willing to dismantle communication for reasons beyond national security. The power to disrupt the citizens’ right to organize protests against state action is an unconscionable effort to control the population and silence dissent. That the government is so resistant to explain this power is reason enough to distrust it.
As Howard Feld, Senior Vice President of Public Knowledge, a public advocacy group, pointed out,
“Understanding a policy should not compromise national security.”
The DHS stubbornly disagreed. Asked to explain the decision to withhold basic procedural information from the public on the program, it responded only with,
“We have no comment on this.”
Although the court-mandated deadline has come and gone — as of midnight yesterday — without a response from the government, this story will be updated when and if they ever decide to offer an explanation for the shrouded policy.

Obama, Corporate “Free Traitors” and You! Fast-Tracking the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

Obama, Corporate “Free Traitors” and You! Fast-Tracking the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

Obama speaks as Hassanal Bolkiah listens during the Trans-Pacific Partnership Leaders meeting at the Hale Koa Hotel during the APEC Summit in Honolulu
The pro-big business President Barack Obama and his corporate allies are starting their campaign to manipulate and pressure Congress to ram through the “pull-down-on-America” Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a trade and foreign investment treaty between twelve nations (Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States and Vietnam).
The first skirmish is a fast track bill to have Congress formally strip itself of its constitutional authority to regulate trade and surrender this historic responsibility to the White House and its corporate lobbies.
Lest you think the TPP is too commercially complex to bother about, think again. This mega-treaty is the latest corporate coup-d’état that sacrifices the American consumer, labor and environmental standards – inventively called “non-tariff trade barriers” – and much U.S. sovereignty to the supremacy of corporate commercial trade.
No single column can adequately describe this colossal betrayal – camouflaged by phrases like “free trade” and “win-win agreements.” For comprehensive analysis of the TPP you can go to Global Trade Watch (
Trade treaties, like NAFTA and GATT, which created the World Trade Organization (WTO), already have proven records of harming our country through huge job-exporting trade deficits, unemployment, freezing or jeopardizing our consumer and environmental rules, holding down regulations on giant banks and weakening labor protections.
How does the corporate state and its “free traitors” construct a transnational form of autocratic governance that bypasses the powers of our branches of government and accepts decisions that greatly affect American livelihoods issued by secret tribunals run by corporate lawyers-turned-judges? Well, first they establish autocratic procedures, such as fast track legislation that facilitate the creation of an absentee autocratic government, which betrays the American people by going far beyond reducing tariffs and quotas.
Imagine, when the TPP treaty finally gets negotiated with other nations in secret, the White House cynically classifies it as an “agreement” requiring a simple majority vote, not a treaty requiring two-thirds of the Congress for passage. Fast track legislation then limits debate on the TPP to a total of 20 hours in each chamber. Then, Congress lets the White House tie Congress’ hands by prohibiting any amendments and requesting just an up or down vote.
Meanwhile the campaign cash flows into the abdicating law-makers’ coffers from the likes of Boeing, General Electric, Pfizer, Citigroup, Exxon Mobil and other multinational corporations that show a lack loyalty to the United States (no corporate patriotism) due to their ties to communist and fascist regimes abroad who let them get away with horrible abuses and repression in the name of greater profits.
Many of these Pacific Rim countries, for example, have bad labor laws and practices, few, if any, consumer or environmental protections that can be enforced in courts of law and precious little freedom of speech.
A recent treaty with South Korea was pushed through Congress on false predictions of jobs and win-win solutions. In fact, the Korean agreement resulted in a ballooning of the trade deficit that the U.S. has with that country, costing an estimated nearly 60,000 American jobs.
The majority of these corporate-managed trade agreements come from the demands of global corporations. They exploit developing countries that have cheap labor and lax laws, unlike more developed countries, such as the U.S., that have greater protections for consumers, workers and the environment. Under this trade agreement, countries that seek better protections for their workers and consumers can be sued by corporations and other nations. Remarkably, better treatment, such as safer motor vehicles, is seen as an obstructive trade barrier against inferior imports.
For one example of many, under the WTO, the U.S. cannot keep out products made by brutal child labor abroad, even though U.S. law prohibits child labor in this country. This is how our sovereignty is shredded.
Under the WTO, the U.S. has lost 100 percent of the cases brought before the secret tribunals in Geneva, Switzerland against our public interest laws –like consumer and environmental protections. The TPP will produce similar autocratic outcomes.
Cong. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX), former Texas Supreme Court Justice, told POLITICO:
“I do not believe that Congress should relinquish its trade oversight authority. This really is a fast track — seeking to railroad the Trans-Pacific Partnership through while the United States Trade Representative (USTR) hides from Congress the most important details.”
Proponents of the TPP want to limit debate and prevent any amendments to this treaty that might deal with issues such as currency manipulation, child labor, bad workplace conditions, etc. by such countries as Mexico and Vietnam. What is enforceable, with penalties, are sanctions and lawsuits against our country (and others), which corporate power demands. U.S. taxpayers will ultimately pay that price.
This is why Senator Elizabeth Warren is opposing the TPP. She wrote in the Washington Post that the TPP, “would allow foreign companies to challenge U.S. laws — and potentially to pick up huge payouts from taxpayers — without ever stepping foot in a U.S. court.”
For example, if a company doesn’t like our controls over cancer-causing chemicals, it could skip the U.S. courts and sue the U.S. before a secret tribunal that can hand down decisions, which can’t be challenged in U.S. courts. If it won before this secret kangaroo court, it could be given millions or hundreds of millions of dollars in damages, charged to you, the taxpayer. Again, the big business “free traitors” are shredding our sovereignty under the Constitution.
Scores of such cases already have been brought under the WTO. Senator Warren explained that
recent cases include a French company that sued Egypt because Egypt raised its minimum wage, a Swedish company that sued Germany because Germany decided to phase out nuclear power after Japan’s Fukushima disaster, and a Dutch company that sued the Czech Republic because the Czechs didn’t bail out a bank that the company partially owned… Philip Morris is trying to use ISDS to stop Uruguay from implementing new tobacco regulations intended to cut smoking rates.”
Senator Warren upset President Obama who, before a business audience (he wouldn’t talk TPP before a labor or consumer gathering), called Warren “wrong on the facts.” Really? Well why doesn’t he debate her, as Al Gore debated Ross Perot on NAFTA? She has read the fine print; I doubt whether he has read more than the corporate power tea leaves. He seems to have forgotten his severe criticism of NAFTA from when he ran for president in 2008.
Right now, President Obama probably has the Republican votes in the Senate, but not yet a majority of votes in the House. The vast majority of the Democrats are opposed to the TPP. Tea Party Republicans are reducing Speaker Boehner’s vote count among Republicans. Using history as an example, President Bill Clinton easily peeled off votes during his push for NAFTA. What we need now are a couple of million voters around America to put serious heat on their faltering members of the House and Senate – not that arduous of an effort – over the next few months. That is fewer Americans than watch big league games on television.
In addition, these civic-minded and active Americans would be backed by 75 percent of Americans who think that the TPP should be rejected or delayed, according to a bipartisan poll from the Wall Street Journal. People know what these “pull–down” trade agreements have done to them in their own communities.
Ralph Nader’s latest book is: Unstoppable: the Emerging Left-Right Alliance to Dismantle the Corporate State.

Congressman Says It’s “Open Season on Black Men”

  • Democratic Member of the U.S. House of Representatives
  • Member of the Congressional Black Caucus and the Congressional Progressive Caucus
  • Views America as a nation awash in racism

See also:  Congressional Black Caucus   Democratic Party
                Congressional Progressive Caucus

Hank Johnson Jr. was born on October 2, 1954 in Washington, DC. He earned a BS at Clark College in 1976 and a JD at the Thurgood Marshall School of Law in 1979. Johnson subsequently worked for twelve years as an associate judge in the DeKalb County (Georgia) Magistrate Court; five years as DeKalb County commissioner; three years as chair of the DeKalb County budget committee; and a number of years as a criminal and civil litigator for the Johnson and Johnson Law Group. In 2008 he served as co-chair of the Barack Obama Presidental Campaign in Georgia.

After defeating incumbent Cynthia McKinney in the 2006 Democratic primary race for Georgia's 4th
Congressional District seat, Johnson was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. He has held that post ever since, and is a member of both the Congressional Black Caucus and the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

In September 2009, Johnson demanded that Republican Representative Joe Wilson be censured for having shouted “You lie!” during the portion of Barack Obama's healthcare-related speech to Congress where the President pledged that his proposed reforms would not extend health insurance to illegal immigrants. Charging that Wilson's outburst had racial undertones, Johnson argued that if the congressman was not formally rebuked, “we will have people with white hoods running through the countryside again.”
On December 22, 2009, Johnson was one of 33 U.S. Representatives who signed a letter to Hillary Clinton, calling on the Secretary of State to pressure the Israeli government to end its ban on Palestinian student travel from Gaza to the West Bank. “We applaud your efforts to support educational opportunities for Palestinian youth, including your initiative to increase U.S. funding for Palestinian universities and educational programs in Gaza and the West Bank,” added the letter.

In March 2012, not long after a “white Hispanic” neighborhood-watch captain named George Zimmerman had shot and killed a black teenager named Trayvon Martin in an altercation that mushroomed into a natonal media obsession, Johnson claimed that Martin had been “executed for WWB in a GC—Walking While Black in a Gated Community.”

In November 2012, Johnson
angered by the Supreme Court's 2010 Citizens United vs. Federal Elections Commission ruling which held that corporations have a right to freedom of political speechcondemned American corporations for seeking to “control” people's “patterns of thinking” via media “messages” that teach them to “hate [their] government.” To remedy this problem, Johnson called for “a constitutional amendment to allow the legislature to control the so-called free speech rights of corporations.”

In January 2013, Johnson charged that racism lay at the heart of the National Rifle Association's opposition to the gun-control legislation which President Obama was advocating. “First of all, he is a black,” said Johnson. “And as a black person being the president of the United States, that is something they [the NRA] still cannot get over.”

In June 2013, Johnson condemned black Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas for voting to strike from the 1965 Voting Rights Act a provision that designated which parts of the country needed to have any proposed changes to their election laws pre-cleared by the federal government or a federal court. (Click here for details of that provision and its ramifications.) By Johnson's reckoning, Thomas’s “offense” was “worse” than that of the infamous National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden. Moreover, Johnson called it a “tragedy” that Thomas, a conservative, had repeatedly issued decisions that were “to the detriment of the African-American community.”

In December 2014 Johnson told a radio interviewer, “Barack Obama has been one of the greatest presidents that we have had in the history of this nation. It’s unfortunate that since he raised his hand and took the oath in his first inauguration, that he’s been met with nothing but opposition, and confrontation, and actual, personal dehumanization.” Further, the congressman condemned the popular black conservative and Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson for: (a) “trying to tap into the ignorance of people who have been whipped into a frenzy, like a lynch mob,” and (b) appealing “to the lowest common denominator” of the human spirit.

In January 2015, Johnson went to the House floor to argue against the Regulatory Accountability Act, a bill aiming to require federal agencies to give advance notice of proposed regulations that were likely to have a substantial impact on the U.S. economy. Characterizing the 85,000+ pages of regulations that are added to the Federal Register each year as “the things that help make America a great country,” the congressman declared: “Don't think that regulations are hurting you. Regulations are causing what benefits you are taking advantage of now.”

That same month, Johnson objected vehemently when Republican House Speaker John Boehner—without first asking President Obama for his approval—invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to Congress about the gravity of the growing Iranian nuclear threat and his (Netanyahu's) “profound disagreement” with the negotiated deal that the Obama Administration was pursuing with Iran. Specifically, Johnson took exception to “President Barack Obama being a black man disrespected by a foreign leader.”

At a Congressional Progressive Caucus forum in March 2015, Johnson spoke about the recent rise of ISIL, the barbaric Islamic terrorist group that had overrun vast swaths of Iraq since President Obama—against the recommendations of his military advisors—withdrew all remaining U.S. troops from that country in December 2011. “A lot of people want to blame ISIL on the President, but its not truly his fault,” said Johnson. “He did exactly what needed to be done.”

In April 2015, after a white South Carolina
police officer was charged with murder after fatally shooting a fleeing black man in the back during a traffic stop, Johnson said: “It feels like open season on black men in America and I’m outraged. In fact, all Americans are at risk when bad actors in law enforcement use their guns instead of their heads.

For an overview of Congressman Johnson's voting record on an array of key issues, click here, here, and here.

For additional information on Hank Johnson Jr., click here.

Obama Praises Jihad-Supporting Turkish Prime Minister

Obama Praises Jihad-Supporting Turkish Prime Minister

Obama-and-ErdoganTurkey’s jihad-supporting Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan received effusive praise from President Obama last week during their joint news conference in the White House Rose Garden.  Obama described the Islamist leader, who unapologetically called Zionism “a crime against humanity,” as “a strong ally and partner in the region and around the world.”
This is just a continuation of President Obama’s infatuation with Erdogan. When the two leaders met at the Seoul, South Korea, Nuclear Security Summit in March of 2012, Obama called Erdogan his “friend and colleague….We find ourselves in frequent agreement upon a wide range of issues.” Not content with this level of praise, Obama added that he considered Erdogan “an outstanding partner and an outstanding friend” who has displayed “outstanding leadership.” In fact, Obama so admires Erdogan’s “outstanding leadership” that Obama has allowed the United States to lead from behind Turkey in Libya and Syria, sucking the U.S. into a swamp inhabited by Islamist jihadists.
As Barry Rubin, the director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center and editor of the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Journal explained:
“Once again the Turkish government has taken the lead on U.S. policy by pushing for direct U.S. aid to the rebels. That means giving money, weapons, and other aid to the Muslim Brotherhood and more radical groups to take power because the real moderates in the Syrian opposition are rare.”
Obama fancies Turkey as a model of a modern democratic Islamic state.  At their joint news conference last week, Obama praised Erdogan’s “reforms” and  said “we will support efforts in Turkey to uphold the rule of law and good governance and human rights for all.”
Erdogan’s idea of democracy is an electoral system that he can manipulate in order to remain in power. His Islamist party has moved inexorably to replace the secular republic established by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk with an Islamic state.  Erdogan’s jails have housed more journalists than any other country in the world, including Iran and Russia.  And talking about Russia, Erdogan appears to be taking a page out of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s playbook. Like Putin, Erdogan plans to play musical chairs between the prime minister post he now holds but cannot run for again under his party’s rules, and the presidency which he is intent on taking over in 2014 and converting into the country’s most powerful position from the symbolic one it is today. Erdogan will ram through whatever changes to the constitution are necessary to make this happen if a consensus cannot be reached.
“Turkey would walk into a dark dictatorship,” said Riza Turmen, a deputy from the opposition Republican People’s Party. “Turkey is already on this path. The parliament is unable to fulfill its duties even in a parliamentary system. The judiciary is not independent, the press is not free,” he told Reuters.
At last week’s joint news conference, President Obama lauded Erdogan’s supposed efforts to “normalize relations with Israel.” Erdogan then proceeded contemptibly to use the joint news conference to announce in Obama’s presence that he will be visiting Gaza next month, after previously rejecting Secretary of State John Kerry’s request not to go there at this time because it could interfere with just such a normalization of relations. Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh claimed that Erdogan’s upcoming visit to Gaza “emphasizes that the era of U.S. tutelage has ended.”
Aside from Barack Obama, Haniyeh has been one of Erdogan’s biggest cheerleaders.  Back in 2010, Haniyeh said: “Mr. ErdoÄŸan has become our voice and won hearts of all Palestinians. We began naming our children after Tayyip ErdoÄŸan. The name of ErdoÄŸan has been immortalized in Palestine.” He also called Turkey “the new Ottoman.”
In his description of Turkey under Erdogan’s leadership as “the new Ottoman,” Haniyeh has a much better idea of Erdogan’s true agenda than President Obama does. Obama thinks that Turkey, like the United States, is interested in removing President Bashar Hafez al- Assad from power in Syria in order to bring about a free Syria “that is intact and inclusive of all ethnic and religious groups,” as Obama put it in his joint news conference with Erdogan last week.  That may be Obama’s naive aspiration but, as Hamas leader Haniyeh knows, Erdogan is interested in building “the new Ottoman” in the entire region, which means promoting revolutionary Sunni Islamism under Turkey’s leadership. Erdogan is using Obama to advance his Islamist agenda.
No doubt Erdogan will use his upcoming Gaza visit to further solidify Turkey’s prestige in the Muslim world, which will also help him politically at home. Expect, for example, Erdogan to push publicly for Israel to completely lift its embargo on the Gaza Strip. Expect him also to mark the three-year anniversary of the incident involving the Turkish-owned Mavi Marmara vessel in which a number of Turkish radicals lost their lives as they attempted violently to break Israel’s legal naval blockade of Gaza. They had assaulted Israeli naval commandos trying to stop the blockade-running ship. The radicals were heard chanting the jihad call to arms honoring Muhammad’s massacre of the Jews of Arabia: “Khybar, Khybar, O Jews, the army of Muhammad will return.”
Erdogan has exploited the Mavi Marmara incident for propaganda purposes for three years. But this was not just exploitation of an opportunity that happened to present itself to Erdogan. In fact, Erdogan was reportedly supportive of the flotilla idea all along before it set sail, because it would create a confrontation with Israel that would cost Israel in the court of public opinion, which is precisely what happened. A journalist on board the Mavi Marmara with good connections to government officials and the IHH group that organized the flotilla stated: “The Turkish government was behind the flotilla to the Gaza Strip and its objective was to embarrass Israel: ‘The Turks set a trap for you and you fell into it.’ The flotilla was organized with the support of the Turkish government and Prime Minister Erdogan gave the instructions for it to set sail. That was despite the fact that everyone knew it would never reach its destination.”
Immediately after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, at the urging of President Obama, apologized to Erdogan for the Marmara operation and committed to reach final agreement on compensation, Erdogan began backtracking from his own promise to restore full diplomatic relations with Israel and stop certain legal proceedings brought against Israeli soldiers.
Erdogan told Turkish reporters that it was too early to talk about dropping the Mavi Marmara case against the Israeli soldiers, and that normalizing diplomatic relations would come gradually. “We will see what will be put into practice during the process. If they move forward in a promising way, we will make our contribution,” Erdogan said.
Turkey is reportedly holding out for extraordinarily high compensation which, even if paid, would not satisfy some of the families of the radicals who became “martyrs” on the Mavi Marmara.
Yet, in the face of Erdogan’s continued anti-Israel rhetoric and his backtracking on his promises of normalization, Obama still made a special point at last week’s joint news conference “to note the Prime Minister’s efforts to normalize relations with Israel.”
Obama continues to play right into Erdogan’s hands as the devious Islamist leader prepares to visit with the Hamas terrorists in Gaza next month, to provide weapons and other support to Islamist jihadists in Syria and to consolidate his increasingly authoritarian power at home.
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