Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Muslim Brotherhood, Islam, Obama, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Bill Killian, Valerie Jarrett, the Pentagon,Sharia Law & Satan. Fits Like A Glove!

The Muslim Brotherhood, Islam, Obama, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Bill Killian, Valerie Jarrett, the Pentagon,Sharia Law & Satan. Fits Like A Glove!

While the victory for religious freedom in Egypt may be temporary, we must rejoice that millions of Christians and moderate Muslims rose up as one voice, and persuaded the Egyptian military to rid Egypt of their totalitarian Muslim Brotherhood, President Morsi, and their totalitarian "constitution" which enforced Islam as the official government religion.

Obama funded the Muslim Brotherhood with $1.5 Billion American tax dollars, and sent F-16s to arm Morsi, who abused his own people, imposing Obama's favored religion Islam in Morsi's sham constitution, and doubling the prison sentences of Coptic Christians for the crime of "blasphemy" against the false prophet Muhammed.

Now that the people of Egypt have rejected Obama's Muslim Brotherhood, and thrown out the Islamic government, guess how Obama responded?  By finally turning off the money spigot to Egypt.
In other words, Obama will only fund Muslim governments, not secular governments that protect Christians. 
Heaven forbid if Christians actually rose to power in Egypt, Obama might declare war to re-impose Islam!  Obama and Hillary Clinton's failed foreign policy imposed Islam, and persecuted the Christian minority, not only in Egypt, but also in Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq. Thousands of Christians flee for their lives, as Obama gives weapons to their Muslim extremist persecutors.

But God answered the prayers of oppressed Christians in Egypt, which fulfills the prophesy of Isaiah 19:20:  "It will become a sign and a witness to the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt; for they will cry to the Lord because of oppressors, and God will send them a Savior [Jesus, not Obama] and a Champion [Jesus, not Hillary Clinton], and He will deliver them."

"Don't criticize Islam." Obama's Justice Dept. warns that violates Muslims' civil rights.

The U.S. Department of Justice, led by President Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder, has issued a warning to YOU that if you post a message critical of Islam on Twitter or Facebook, that you could be punished for violating the civil rights of Muslims.

The warning came from Holder himself, in a speech reassuring Muslims that their religious freedom in America means the rest of us cannot criticize the teachings of the Koran or their false prophet Muhammed, or even point out his violent or misogynistic tendencies.

Is time running out on Eric Holder's career as Attorney General?

"Attorney General Eric Holder assured a San Francisco-based organization (Muslim Advocates) that urges members not to cooperate in federal terrorism investigations that the 'us versus them' environment created by the U.S. government, law enforcement agents and fellow citizens is unacceptable and inconsistent with what America is all about," ( )

prosecutor Bill Killian also warned Christians not to criticize Islam in a conference geard toward protecting Muslims from hurt feelings:  

William C. Killian

"This is an educational effort with civil rights laws as they play into freedom of religion and exercising freedom of religion," Killian said. "This is also to inform the public what federal laws are in effect and what the consequences are."

In other news, Obama's Pentagon recently forbid the Army from "criticizing" the Taliban. ( )

So let me get this straight.  U.S. Civil Rights Laws protect Muslims from being easily offended by my Christian speech?  But the First Amendment does not protect my right to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, that salvation is in Christ, and not in Islam?   What are the consequences of my quoting the Bible or the Koran in a way that "offends" the civil "rights" of Muslims, and what unconstitutional "laws" actually protect their right to not be offended by our freedom of speech?  NONE!
THIS is yet another example of Obama enforcing Muslim Sharia law, not the Constitution, to suppress Christian speech and promote Islam as a favored religion.
So, "What does it matter?" Well that was Hillary Clinton's answer to protecting and defending American citizens, as she embraced and even employed, the Muslim Brotherhood in her ranks, and her right hand 'man' (actually woman).
So what about Hillary's truth...
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton allegedly lied 3 times under oath when testifying about her own admitted negligence in the Benghazi terror strike that killed four Americans, according to Jennifer Warhawk of Conservative Call To Action.  Now three whistleblowers confirm senior leaders in the Obama Administration blocked or postponed rescue efforts that could have saved American lives.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton must be held accountable as well. Her testimony of February 7th was wrought with lies under oath.

What were they? As followed:

Lie #1. Secretary Clinton said she did not know of the repeated requests for additional security; however, every request was denied by the State Department.

Lie #2. Ambassador Stevens sent cables directly to Secretary Clinton but Sec. Clinton denies ever having read them. This, in itself, is a derelict of duty.
Lie #3. Sec Clinton said there was no video feed of the attack, yet Charlene Lamb testified that she could follow what was happening in 'almost real time.' One of these two testimonies is a lie. Whose?"

One of the whistleblowers, Mark Thompson, a former Marine and official with the State Department's Counterterrorism Bureau, said he was "rebuffed by the White House when he asked for a specialized team -- known as a FEST team -- to be deployed. This is a unit made of special operations personnel, diplomatic security, intelligence and other officers."

So let me get this straight. Hillary Clinton takes "full responsibility" for Benghazi and the failure to adequately defend Ambassador Stevens, his staff or Embassy from terrorist attacks.  But Hillary won't take "full responsibility" for misleading Congress during her testimony?  Let's hold Hillary Clinton accountable too, and force her to testify again, AFTER the whistleblowers did.
Egypt held their big election between Mohammed Morsi, head of the Muslim Brotherhood (who has vowed to eradicate Christians), and Ahmed Shafiq, the secularist who served Hosni Mubarak (and may protect Copt Christians, if elected).

Guess which one President Obama endorsed?

The Washington Post reported, "The White House, perhaps surprisingly, thinks a Morsi victory would be the best for Egypt’s economic transition though it would raise some prickly foreign policy issues." If the Muslim Brotherhood leader is elected Obama vows to pay Egypt millions more [to persecute Christians], but if the secularist wins Obama fears oppression [of rioting Muslims who hate democracy and demand their right to kill Christians.]  

No kidding, Obama's foreign policy is to play favorites for Muslims, against Christians.

This year President Obama hosted the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood at the White House.  Obama also gave the Muslim Brotherhood $1.5 Billion of your tax dollars, 
according to National Review ( ).

This money gives clear insight into Obama's biased pro-Muslim agenda.   Obama didn't spend $1.5 billion on Americans, or defending religious freedom overseas, rather he gave it to the Muslim Brotherhood, who has given hundreds of millions to Hamas and terrorists.  Obama is now openly anti-Christian, anti-Israel, and anti-Women.

Muhammad Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood candidate, declared that ALL CHRISTIANS in Egypt must convert to Islam or pay a special Christian tax called the jizya, and those who don't "convert or pay tribute" to Islam will be forced out of the country.  When asked what he thought of Egyptian Christians he said "They need to know that conquest is coming, and Egypt will be Islamic, and that they must pay jizya or emigrate."


Islamic Conquest is at the center of Morsi's beliefs. Morsi told an interviewer that Amr ibn al As (who conquered Egypt in 641 A.D.) was the first Islamic conquer and that "The second Muslim conqueror will the be Muhammad Morsi and history would record it."

The Muslim Brotherhood now persecute Christians and Jews in Egypt, Nigeria, Sudan, and Syria, but their goal is to conquer Jerusalem.  Why do our tax-dollars fund terrorists?

Could it be because this administration is a part of them?
us capitol photo: us capitol us-capitol-1.jpg
The pieces of the puzzle are being delivered by God for those of Him to see clearly, hear clearly and to stand clearly. EVIL is growing...and many in our government are part of the EVIL that Satan is the head of, their god in truth, by their words, their actions and their stand.
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